2004-2005 YEARBOOK AWARDS Male Athlete OfTheYear mi — Michael Muir Men's Basketball — Female: Nicole Deveraux Volleyball i Athletes Of Distinction Men’s Basketball: Anderson St.Valle Women’s Basketball: Kylie Douglas Women’s Volleyball:Tracy Smith Touch Football:Jonathan Marshall, Brandon Kelly, DanWatson Awards of Excellence for Four years of dedication in Intercollegiate Sports Men’s Indoor Soccer: Tom DeAngelis,Gabe Colonna Men’s Volleyball: Mike King Women’s Volleyball: Tracy Smith NIAGARA COLLEGE Department ofAthletics and Recreation 905-735-221 I, ext. 7583 www.niagarac.on.ca Table of Contents Awards Inside Front Cover Welcome Messages 2 MeetAthletic Staff. 2 Facilities Information 3 Men's Basketball 4 Women's Basketball 5 Men'sVolleyball 6 Women’sVolleyball 7 Curling & Golf 8 Men’s &Women’s Soccer 9 Touch Football 10 Athletes oftheYear/Freshman Awards Collage 12-13 HostedTournament Collages 14 Awards Presentations 15 Hall ofFame Inductees 16 Sponsors 17-24 Photo Credit: Brian Groff,Groff's Photography Editor: Ray Sarkis,Athletics Department Production & Layout: Graphic Design Production/Art and Design Fundamentals, Niagara College WELCOMt MESSAGES 2004-2005 Niagara’s Athletic Staff On behalfofourfaculty and staff, students,and the Board ofGovernors, I wish to congratulate ourathletes and coaches foran outstanding yearof success.Yourhard work and dedication has furtherstrengthened ourgrowing reputation forathletic excellence.Thankyou forcontributingtothe vibrancy of I College life and for making all staffand students proud oftheir Knights. extend thanks and congratulations as well to ourenthusiasticteam ofathletics I staffmembers,coaches,and volunteers foryourcommitmentto the success of ourathletes and teams. As motivators, mentors,and ambassadors for Niagara College,you have made avital and generous contribution to the development Dan Patterson and success ofourathletes and ourathletics program. President Congratulationsto all foran ex—cellent year,and best wishes for continued success in all yourendeavours on and offthe playing courts and fields MikeHurley rfrQ. AthleticAssistant c Niagara College is pleased to honourthe extraordinarytalent and dedication shown by our2004/05 athletes,teams,coaches and Athletic Department staff with its annualVarsityYearbook,which highlightsthe people,places and events that madethis varsityyearone to remember When the final whistle blew,teams broughtthree new medals hometo Niagara. Many individual athletes achievedTop 10 player rankings andAll-Starnods,and some teams a spot on theTop 10 national ranking list. Throughoutthe season, the Niagara CollegeVarsity program remained first in the hearts ofNiagara College fans and community. BrigitteChiki We Director are very proud ofthe accomplishments ofall ourvarsity athletes and teams StudentServices and the fine waywith which you wore the Niagara College uniform and name. KerbyBentley Congratulations,everyone,on a great effort and successful yearon the field or AthleticAssistant court ofplay,and welcome the excitementthat a new varsity season brings in 2005/06! It is with great pleasure on behalfofthe Niagara CollegeAthletic Department, to thank all ourvarsity athletes fortheir outstanding commitment and dedication through outthe 2004/05 academic and athletic year.You represent ourprograms with honourand have demonstrated great respectforyour coaches,teammates and opponents on the field/court ofplay.You continue to set high standa! orfuture student athletes with youracademic and athletic excellence. I would also liketo recognize our dedicated corporate supporters who have PeterDobbin been with us in the long and shortterm.You have been without a question a AthleticTherapist RaySarkis great influence on the success ofour programs. Co-ordinator Athletics&Recreation ntario ACq! NIAGARA KNIGHTS I > $_ 2004-2005 site Recreation web Address: Niagara College 300Woodlawn Road Welland, Ontario our L3C 7L3 and Co-ordinator, Athletics & Recreation: Ray Sarkis out www.niagarac.on.ca/athletic MacKenzie Athletic Centre: Capacity 600 Athletics Check Nickname: Knights Colours: Navy Blue, Gold,andWhite Mascot: Niagara Knight of Conference: Ontario CollegesAthleticAssociation Canadian CollegesAthleticAssociation Intercollegiate Programs: Department Men’s &Women's Basketball Men’s &Women's Golf Men’s &Women’sVolleyball Touch Football Men’s &Women's IndoorSoccer Curling — About the Ontario Colleges Athletic Association Niagara College is a member ofOntario Colleges Athletic Association (OCAA).The OCAA governs intercollegiate sports for its member institutions and is dedicated to the pursuit ofexcellencethrough the provision ofquality athletic programs.TheAsso- College ciation contributestothe learning process bycreatingan environmentwhich promotes academic success, provides a forum for personal development,complementsthe edu- cational experience and enhances student life. Niagara College Campus Recreation Niagara Students are encouraged to enjoy self-directed activities such as: Basketball, Badminton, Softball,Volleyball,WeightTraining, BeachVolleyball Intramural Athletics Athree-hour block has been scheduled forall students wishingto participate in orga- nized intramural activities attheWelland and Glendale Campuses. Activities include: BeachVolleyball Co-ed IndoorSoccer Touch Football Ball Hockey Basketball Co-edVolleyball Ice Hockey BASKETBALL Front Row (L-R): James Eka, Maher Fares, Ben Gutowski, Chris Keith, Michael Muir; Chris Bauslaugh, OmarAbdul-Karim, Craig Bauslaugh Back Row(L-R) Ralph Nero (Head Coach),Claude Laliberte (Assistant Coach), Anderson St.Valle,Josh Patus,Andrew Burt, Brandon Gracie, Thierry Kayitaba,JeffreyAldham, Mike Baccaria (Assistant Coach), Randy Conlon (Assistant Coach),Tony Ferrussi (Strength Coach) OCAA LeagueAll Star:Craig Bauslaugh, FirstTeamAll Star OCAAAII Star Game Representatives:Craig Bauslaugh & Chris Bauslaugh OCAAAll Star GameWestTeam MVP:Craig Bauslaugh OCAAAIIAcademicAwards:Ben Gutowski, Mike Muir Team MVP:Craig Bauslaugh League Record:9Wins and 3 Losses ik.m':*& A. MIWM: i MSSJ ±. JcM CL .1 Front Row (L-R): Phil Mosley (Head Coach),Vanessa Steen, Marissa Scott, Jamie Fong,Christina Hintenberger,Jaylene Poirer, BASKETBALL Lindsay Norris, Ron Lemon (Assistant Coach) Back Row (L-R): Kara Kurgan, Kylie Douglas,Jessica Smith, Kackie Birtwistle, Lindsay Cloughley,Abby Cass, Paula Shaver OCAA LeagueAll Star:Jamie Fong, FirstTeamAll Star OCAAAll Star Game Representative:Jamie Fong OCAAAllAcdemicAward: Lindsay Cloughley Team MVP:Jamie Fong & Paula Shaver League Record:4Wins and 6 Losses VOLLEYBALL KE2 Front Row (L-R): Michael Hall (Manager),Stephen Pratt, Devon Gollop, Ryan Stone,John Klingenberg, Adam Draper; Mark Pawlak, Graeme Gaunt(Assistant Coach) Back Row (L-R): KyleAkins, Matt Bernard, Kerby Bentley (Head Coach), Andrew Hastings, Aaron McNutt Absent: Scott Orosz, RyanTreanor Mike King OCAA LeagueAll Star: Ryan Stone, FirstTeam All Star OCAAAll Star Game Representative: Ryan Stone OCAAAllAcademicAwards: KyleAkins,Jon Klingenberg, RyanTreanor Team MVP: Ryan Stone League Record: 6Wins and 7 Losses Front Row (L-R): EmilyThiessen, Heidi Popov, Kristina Heipel, Niki Shepherd, Kim Roach, Nicole Devereau VOLLEYBALL Back Row (L-R): Ryan Baltare (Assistant Coach), Rachel Zanting, Lindsay Nash, Kelly Fremlin,Andrea Deschambeault (Head Coach) Absent: Tracy Smith, Lindsey Lukings, Kelly Nadeau (Manager) OCAA LeagueAll Star: Kelly Fremlin,SecondTeamAll Star OCAAAll Star Game Representatives: Kelly Fremlin, Nicole Deveraux, Kim Roach OCAAALLAcademicAwards: Kristina Heipel, Lindsey Lukings, EmilyThiessen Team MVP:Tracy Smith CURLING Front Row (L-R): Harrison Hall, BradYoung, Phil Rominger Back Row (L-R): Pamela Coull, Nick Parke, Chris Nicholls.Amy-JoTeatro, Scott Banner (Coach) Absent: Melissa Shallow,AshleyThomson OCAA Championship Bronze Medal:Women’sTeam OCAA Fair PlayAward OCAAAllAcedemicAwards: Pamela Coull, Harrison Hall,Chris Nicholas, Melissa Shallow Team MVP: Harrison Hall L-R:WendelTouhey, Kyle Makey,Trevor Hessel, Drew Collins, Michael Clare,WayneTriano (Coach) CCAA ChampionshipTeam Competition: Bronze Medal Team MVP: Kyle Makey