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James Stewart Alexander PhD Thesis PDF

266 Pages·2012·10.26 MB·English
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A63 2=<0A7@A 10@3 0A A63 1=<43?3<13 =4 10?A6053 =4 0$2$ *’’ 8CNGS @TGWCRT 0MGXCOFGR 0 AJGSKS @UDNKTTGF HPR TJG 2GIRGG PH >J2 CT TJG BOKVGRSKTY PH @T$ 0OFRGWS ’-,& 4UMM NGTCFCTC HPR TJKS KTGN KS CVCKMCDMG KO ?GSGCREJ/@T0OFRGWS.4UMMAGXT CT. JTTQ.%%RGSGCREJ#RGQPSKTPRY$ST#COFRGWS$CE$UL% >MGCSG USG TJKS KFGOTKHKGR TP EKTG PR MKOL TP TJKS KTGN. JTTQ.%%JFM$JCOFMG$OGT%’&&()%(+,’ AJKS KTGN KS QRPTGETGF DY PRKIKOCM EPQYRKIJT AJKS KTGN KS MKEGOSGF UOFGR C 1RGCTKVG 1PNNPOS 9KEGOSG ,,1..)), 411 '.ua 18 pnaaW '" & ... 1 __ .... . 8~.u. to t_ 1fa1. ...1 t7 of St. ....... Sa :n.s-e appl1oatl_ tor ,be of Pla.D. , BEST COpy .. , . AVAILABLE , V,ariable print quality WlaUM I ..., ....... "hat ,,_ tolletdaa Ueala 18 ...c 1 _ ~ \lie _nl:. et ...... oazrle4 _" ltl' _. that the ..M d. 1a .. -. ..,..lti.a, ad that " .. BOt ~ " a __ ..... pnee. ... fa a fte ........ oaul. . oat ,..u,. ill It. ...... a.,....,.. ad. PdUT Sa I ha67 ...n1f'7 tlI&t J_ ....... U ...a . .. .,.. "* ,. ... til •••0 01\ ~ ill .t. ...... _A pe.ltl1' 'a' 1B AeZ'l.hjlh. be 11M fIIltt.ll._ , __t i.UIu at OJr4s. ...... 12 (St • .Aa4J:wa) _4 'Jlat be 18 'laallt1e4 ' .u.tt ~. . ~ , ..t a ill applJ._'1ea toz , .. ~ of P1l.D. I ......4 rna the lJal"f'Ulllt7 01 It. ...... Sa '''1 'II _ 11 • Val.,..1.,. . C1aaa1., w1 .1. Decne fa t:na , .. of Uiabupla "64 with. B. De Ditpee, aa ,... tM . 'UaiYUlll'Q' ., c.-:ridp 1a 1966 with. :1 •. 1. Depee. Ja fteo1. .... nu. btQJ.al .&8. ...., ill KMl_lut:l.ea1 .... adId."'" at . ...,.'. c.u. .., at. ill Aa4rne, I _ ia Ootelta 1961 .. a pa:n t1M zeee&rU .,. ...., _deZ'the _,u.t., II\QU"I'Ul_ ot Pzrot_ _r J.B. :Iu:lu. I naeuoh after rq appo1D. ., t. tile CWz of C. .. JI1noZ)" at ,_ 'lbeolo&1eal Col.lep, aerph7'h Ia 1969. "TO. Qa. ,be reeialuUoa at hot_ _ Badu ia It, aapern.iaa nil ~ hot. .._ J .1:. "-_. Pret. . 19 1;. .1 8 1IU a1.raad7 ia p1'O.... 01 'beiDa t)'P14 tor _Hi88101l wba1 IV' lI1lperY'i.o~. Prot. ..~ J.K .. Oueroa, kin417 dzew IV' &"_"t1011. to the appeuanoe of the tint two Toluea ot B.Lan_lt. editi.- ot "the .rt.. 'Act. de la Coat.noM de Oarihap ell 411', PariII, ... triaeetre, 1972. in the Sourcee Chfttielmee ('YOle .194-5) • A _dem oritioal e41t1aa of thte. records ot the ConteJ:8Ce :1.8 lcmc O'Yerd.ue, the ,-' pri1l"tec1 ill )film_ Patnlog1a Latina, 'Y01.1', being that ot L.-E.D3piD. (1702).. !be fizoat of Lucel fa two TolUM. eoa.ta1a.a a ...z oal 1ntzo4wr\iOll, the .8COD4 tile ted .d. hwleh banalatiaa. ot the Capitula Ge8t01'Ul and of tlw Gee. CalUat1oa:1a eanbachl.ul. tor tbe first .eaa1Gl1 OBq. A tunher '" Tal. ..., not 19t published, rill p1'OY1ae the text and lInnalatiOll of th8 zecon. ot tbe aeCGlli _4 thi" ....i eu ot the Cca.le:coe, to.-ther with noMe, _ps and iDdeJ:. t. Lan ..l publlshed TolUM8 an thu not oh1et17 OOIloemed with the .m aubJen of .. thesia, which oftua an aDal78l. _4 1nterpn\atlcm of pan of the _oorda ot the thim ....1 011 of \he CODf'eraoe, a1t~ hiB t.xt of the Capitula would haft been usetul hen. III M. _a1'8.1. 1ntro4uotlO1l, Lanoel prOTi4e. ... OIltlba of the couma of the procee41.Dp (TOlue 1, chapter 1 'CUeOl'Ultanoee, prepuatiOll et 4iJIroW. ...t c1a 1. I Ccmf'eZWlC8 de 411'). len be accept .. (p.as) the rift lbat the Drmati.te wen ocmcemed '\0 aTOld a disoussion on eit he~ the 40cbiaal 01' h1etorioal ieH88 iDTol. ..H . I haTe &X'8Wtd below that this intep~t.tlOD. ..... to 0&8.. .. to :rest _ an iDadequate .....l IMIlt of tt. DaDatlll' whioh, howeTer, J.aoel pzopoe.(p.89, note 3) to ual.Jae la b1e p!/OJ.cte' touth .,01.... Lauel follow Maaoeawtf• ... .b od. (ct. III' IDtJ.'Ouotl_ belOW) ill MplO7iac .. he wlcleoe or the ftOOrU of the aaate:Nloe tez • eui_ ot ~ .....b e. ot \be maD. partt.olpaate (ebaphz l , ':ora..t18 peftOJIMt) aacl __ be .u. TeZ7 tull _4 Talua'ble .. of , __t er1a1. cae .peo1t1o pojllt iDt.zpnt.t1an. ~ however, 1D. OGIWtnion with t_ 400tzrlDal aHa_ at '- Ooate:nn.ce cl.aahe. dizoeot17 with IV' 0IIIl ad I haft thea!or. a4d.ed & brld di. ...1 _ of tb1a 1a & Pon.u1pt. "-rial 2. Dian_loa or Soa.ne Gee,. 1.!he Ool1a1;1-.18 2.1fhtt Captt u1.. hat01'a ).J.apat1De '. Bnrlou1u CollatiCllda 3. !be Doctr.laa1 Ia. .. at the Ccmtenaee 1.lIIrtOBce and. Method ot heat. .t 2.Outl1Jl8 or ArpMat 3. Catholi. JIanclate 4.Dcaatl" Letter S.Oollparl.8OD with Aqut1ne'. lInrloulu Colla1l1cm1• • The __t ia" Lnter 6.Deba\e tollowiDg the DDu.1;iat Le"er ap '" t.lad ot tbe 1:daIl1 Oen" a.llatlcm1. 7 •C oapariIl8ft 1rit h AlIP8t1M' a Breri.oulu8 Collatloa1a. !he Debate toll_iDe the lJaaatut Le. .... 8.ftae .... of the Dab ..... the Drmatla' Letter :bt. Brerioulu Oollatloa.1a and Captt llla OeaWDIII ,.The CaM PzeHllllM b7 either 81de in the CIGIlWD .t CatbAllo-DclDatl.t Polald.o 10.c.cl_:t.a ...............t ot DaDa'ln Can 4. '1M Hiato:d.-.l. I .... at the Coatu..ee 1.EYUalce _4 "'110( of !~'-t es-t 2.0u.'liu of J.JIa1n '_tuu of the Deba'. CIIl ,be B:1aM:r1eal I ... 4·CQIlol".S_ J.ppelUl.ix 2. !be Pnoaa b7 which the Beeora of the c.teftlloe wen P1"Oc1u.oetJ.. Poet80rlpt

Geets ott_ Coaterc 4- Be t .. p:roYlcle. a. _ lD~ pari of 1; _ _ t1o. Geet •• f the c.r.. iI1tloiui ,11M 41Dztt •. • ttaa t •• t1aadl sui ecaslstat .otori t .
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