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IS 13438: Allethrin - mosquito Coils PDF

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Preview IS 13438: Allethrin - mosquito Coils

इंटरनेट मानक Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities, in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority, and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public. “जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न’ 5 तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New” IS 13438 (1992): Allethrin - mosquito Coils [FAD 1: Pesticides and Pesticides Residue Analysis] “!ान $ एक न’ भारत का +नम-ण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda ““IInnvveenntt aa NNeeww IInnddiiaa UUssiinngg KKnnoowwlleeddggee”” “!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता हहहहै””ै” Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen” REA'~,<Eo," ... , ,F4ow}AI-\V ' :~:~~ .:'\ ". IS 13438 : 1991" ~ ~I"if) ~~q;:r mmtr ~ - ferfmf1sc - Indian Standard ALLETHRIN - MOSQUITO COILS SPECIFICATION UDC 615·285·428-3: 648·7 @ SIS 1992 BUR EA U 0 F I NOlAN ST ANDA RD·S MANAK BHAVAN, , BAHADUR SHAH ZAPAR MARO NBW,DELHI 110002 Mill 1992 PrleeGroup2 AMENDMENT NO. 1 APRIL 1993 TO IS 13438: 1992 ALLETHRIN -MOSQUITO COILS SPECIFICATION ( Second cover, Foreword) - Substitute tbe following for tbe existing matter: "FOREWORD This Indian Standard was'adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards after the dnft finalized by tbe Pesticides Sectional Committee bad been approved by tbe FoodandAgriculture DivisionCouncil. Mosquitocoilswhen ignitedemitsmokecontaining allethrin. Allethrin, technical,asynthetic pyrethroid isusedintbe manufacture oftbecoils. The mosquito coils arc generally manufactured to contain allethrin 0.5 percent (mlm) ld-isomcr content95percentminimum(mlm)J. The Registration Conuuittcc constiuned under tbe InsecticidesAct, 1968 by tbe Government of India bas granted registration to mosquito coils containing allethrin as an active ingredient, after examining tbe toxicity data submitted by theapplicant and satisfying itself thattheproduct issafe to human beings jfused asprescribed. In tbe preparation of tbis standard, due consideration bas been given to tbe provisions of the Insecticides Act, 1968 and tbe Rules framed thereunder. However,thisstandardissubject totbe restriction imposed underthese,wherever applicable. For tbepurpose of deciding whethera particularrequirement of this standardis coRIpliedwith,tbe tinal value, observed or calculated, expressing tbe resultofa test or analysis, shall berounded off in accordance witb IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)'. The number of signifiant places retained intbe rounded valueshouldbethe sameasthatoftbe specifiedvalue in tbisstandard." (FAD1) RepropapbyUnit,BIS,NewDelhi.ladia AMENDMENT NO. 2 SEPTEMBER 1994 TO IS 13438: 1992 ALLETHRIN- MOSQUITO COILS SPECIFICATION (Page2,clause ')- Substitutethefollowingfortbeexisting: 'When freshlymanufacturedmaterialin bulkquantityisofferedfor inspection, representativesamplesof thematerialshallbedrawnInd testedasprescribedin IS10627:1983 within90days of its manufacture. Wbenthematerialisoffered for inspection aRer 90 days of its manufacture. sampling shall be done as prescribed in IS 10627 : 1983. However, tbe criteria for conConnity of the material when tested, shall be the limits of tolerances,as applicable over the declarednominalvalueandgivenunderclause3.7oCthestandard.' (FAD1) ReproeraphyUnit.BIS,NewDelhi,ladia AMENDMENT NO. 3 DECEMBER 19" TO IS 13438: 1992 ALLETHRIN - MOSQUITO COILS SPECIFICATION Wberevertilewolds 'AllethrinTechnical'appeaf,referringto this standard,they shouldbereadIS Cd-AllethrinTechnical'. (FAD1) ReplOlftpbyUait,SIS,NewDelhi,IDdia Pesticides SectionalCommittee, PAD 1 FOREWORD This IndianStandard was adoptedby theBureau ofIndian Standards, after the draft flnalized by the Pesticides Sectional Committee had been approved by the Food and Aariculture Division Council. Mosquito coils when ignited emit smoke containing allethrin. Allethrin, technical,;:a synthetic pyrethroid is used. in the manufacture ofthe coils. The mosquito coils are generally manufactured to contain allethrin 0·5 percent( mlm )(d-isomer content 9S percent minimum ( mlm ) l. In the preparation or this standard, due consideration has been given to the provisions ofthe Insecticide, Act, 1968 and the Rules framed thereunder. However, this standard is subject to the restrictions imposed under these, wherever applicable. Por the purpose ofdeciding whether a particular requirement ofthis standardis compliedwith, the final value,' observed or calculated. expressing the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded offin accordance with IS 2 : 1960 'Rules for rounding offnumerical values ( rnls,d)'. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should be the same as that ofthe specified value in this standard. ',- I •~I <Indtan Standard 1'7 " . ;.:, .;~',' '( '4.','; " .. .'ALLETHRIN -- MOSQUITO 'COILS SPECIFICATfON \ _;~:."r',,-I,•'~""'". • .' ';. 1"/": "j' t.SCOPE 3.5 St.,..tb i ,~ ,This,standard,rescribe8 the requirements and Whena coil is tested according to the method the methods'0 lamplina and test for mosquito described in AnnexB, it shall be able to with- coli. containiDI allethrin. stand a load of minimum80g. 3.6"Separation of Jolat Coils 2 REFERENCES The Indian Standards listed below are nece- .. The twin mosquito coils shall easily separate when 5 twin coils are separted by the method .58ryadjuncts to this standard: described in, Annex C. The number of single IS No. Title coils breaking on separation shall not be more than one in a sample consisting of5twin coils, 1010';~ 1977 Water for general laboratory , use("COM r61l,lon.) 3.7 Che.lcal ,'8190 (Part3 ): Requirement for packing of When tested by the method described in 1919 pesticides : Part,3 Household Annex D, tbe observed allethrin content, pesticides percent (""m), ofany 'ofthe samplesshall not l0627 :. 1983 Method tor sampling of pesti- differ by more than ± 20 percent of the cidal formulations declared nominal value. 13146 : 1991 Allethrin, technical 4 PACKING 3 REQUIIlEMENTS 4.1 Mosquito coils shall be packed in a container which offers sufficient protection 3.1 DelerlpdoD from breakage and contamination ofthe coils. Each unit container shall contain at least one The material shall bein the form ofa .pair of' mosquito coil stand. separable coils. The external surface shall be uniformly green in:colour. 4.2 MQlqulto CoilStud The m~Bquito coil stand shall be made of 3,2 LeBpb metallio material or other suitable non-infla 'The lDiriimum lengJ~'Jt ofeach coil shaJl be 70 mJ!1abl~~.materjal ~hich can hold-the burning emwhenmeasured;~~throuah the middle line of cod ho~zont~l1ytill the total length is burnt. the entire coil. ~,~ 4.3 Tht general packing requirements as ~ specjfi~ in IS 8190 (Part 3): 1979 shall be 3.3M.. ',; followe4 in addition to 4.1 and 4.2. rhe minium_ass pprpair ofcoilsshallbe24g. S MARlING \~' 3.~ Baral~ QuUtl; Each c~tainer shall bear legibly and indelibly r the followina information in addition to any -3.4.1; The tipofa coil shall i,nite easily when other ijtformation as is'required under the ·Iiahted'·with a:,:matcbstlck In a draught-free lnstctlclf!es Act, 1968 and Rules: :ro01Jl.. ~rrie a) ortbematerial; or 3.4.2 The rate burnin, sball be S.S minutes b) ItldicationQfthe source of manufacture; per centimctte ICDlthof the coilwhenburnt in a drauaht·tree room accordin. to the method c) ,~tch,'...umber; described in Annex A. d) -nateormanufacture and date of expiry; ,e) Total number ofcoils; 3.4.3 The coil shall burn continuously for a , ,,1"- 'lldnimum period of6 hour. when burnt in a ,f) Net mass ofcontents; and .draulht~tree room. . &) Allethrin content. percent ( mint). .,f , •• ,-, J I ~ ...' 1-,1. ,.• ,_ ,';"4' , 'IS13438: Bn , SAMPLING :'. 1.2,<t-.uV,.of-..- " Representative samples ofthe material shall be Unless spec'ified otherwise, pure chemical. and drawninaccordance withIS 10621 : 1983. . distilled wate~, ( ... ,IS, l~O:: 1977) .ball· be 7 TESTS employed in teat••· ' 'NOTE- ~Puiochemicals'aball menchemioala that 7.1 Tests shall be carried out by' the appro- do Dot QOlltain impurities wbichaWect th. raultl priate methods referred to in 3.2 to 3.7. ofanaly.is. ~'" ANNEX- A ( Clause 3.~2 ) DETERMINATION OF RATE OF BURNING A-I PROCEDURE initial markins ofthe first 2 em width, atart the stop-watch. Stop' the stop-watch immediately Hold a piece ofcoil having a minimum length when the final marking ofthe first 2 em width of 10em horizontally and freely and mark at 2 is touched by burnins and Dote the time of places within a distance of 2 em from each burning. In the same manner burn the second or other with indelible ink or any suitablematerial 2 em width and Dote the,time' burniDI. The and within an interval of 1em. Ignite the coil average burning time taken per em shall then and as soon as the burning point reaches the be calculated. ANNEX B ( Clouse 3.5 ) DETERMINATION OF STRENGTH B-1 APPAllATUS with the hole for fixing on the stand ) with the thumb and forefinger. B-l.l s,rJDr BaIaDee- 0-200± S I tensile strength, accurately calibrated. 8-3.2 Place the hook ofsprina scale about 2 em Cromthe tip ofa coil. . B-2 SELECIlON OFCOIL or 8-3.3 Hold the head the coil firmly with the Select a coil randomly from a box. Discard coil1aying horizontally. single coils that'are broken or cracked due to careless separation in the selection process. 8-3.4 Gently and Iradually pull the IpriDI Subject the linale coil for the strenath test. or balance upwards Wl,til the broakil1l point mosquito coil. The pointatwhich tilemosquito B-3 PROCEDURE coil breaks shall be the breakiDI atrenlth of ± 8-3.1 Hold the head/eye (the portion of coil the coil to the nearelt 5,_ 2

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