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INDEX to HISPANIC JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES Volume 27 Number 1 (February 2005) pp. 1-132 Number 2 (May 2005) pp. 133-264 Number 3 (August 200^ pp. 265-384 Number 4 (November 2005) pp. 385-572 Authors: ANDERSON, KRISTIN J., and GABRIEL SMITH, “Students' Preconceptions of Professors: Benefits and Barriers According to Ethnicity and Gender,” 184. ARDILA, ALFREDO, “Spanglish: An Anglicized Spanish Dialect.” 60. BAUMAN. SHERI. “The Reliability and Validity of the Brief Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans-II for Children and Adolescents,” 426. BELLIARD, JUAN CARLOS, and JOHNNY RAMIREZ-JOHNSON, ‘Medical Pluralism in the Life of a Mexican Immigrant Woman,” 267. BLOZIS. SHELLEY A., see Villarreal, R. BREWER. ERNEST W., see Rodriguez-Calcagno, M. BRODIE, MOLLYANN, see Dutwin, D. BUCARDO, JESUS, see Patterson. T. L. BUCHANAN, AMY C., see Smith, B. A. BYRD, THERESA L., see Cantor, S. B. CACHELIN, FARY M., ROBERT A. SCHUG, LAURA C. JUAREZ, and TERESA K. MONREAL. “Sexual Abuse and Eating Disorders in a Community Sample of Mexican American Women.” 533. CAMARGO, MARIA, see Martin, M. CANTOR. SCOTT B.. THERESA L. BYRD, JANET Y. GROFF, YESENIA REYES, GUILLERMO TORTOLERO-LUNA. and PATRICIA DOLAN MULLEN, “The Language Translation Prrx'ess in Survey Research: A Cost Analysis,” 364. CASTELLANOS, JEANETT, see Gloria, A. M. CHRISTENSEN, APRIL, see Dalla, R. L. CLARKE, JUANNE N.. see James. S. DiCAMILLO. MARK, see Greenwald, H. P. Mispunic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Vol. 27 No. 4, November 2(X)5 565-569 O 2(X)5 Sage Publications 565 566 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences DALLA. ROCHELLE L., and APRIL CHRISTENSEN, “Latino Immigrants Describe Resi¬ dence in Rural Midwestern Meatpacking Communities; A Longitudinal Assessment of S(x;ial and Economic Change,” 23. DAVILA-FRAGA, WENDY, see Patterson, T. I,. DE ANDA. ROBERTO M., “Employment Hardship Among Mexican-Origin Women,” 43. DENNIS. JESSICA M., see Phinney, J. S. DIAZ, JOSEPH D., “School Attachment Among Latino Youth in Rural Minnesota,” 300. DUTWIN, DAVID, MOLLYANN BRODIE. MELISSA HERRMANN, and REBECCA LEVIN, “Latinos and Political Party Affiliation,” 135. FERGUS, STEVENSON, see Ramirez-Vallez, J. FRAGA. MIGUEL, see Patterson, T. L. FRANCO. FABIANA, STEPHEN A. KARP, and MICHELE A. SCHOTTENBAUER. “The Spanish Version of the Draw-A-Person Questionnaire (DAPQ),” 455. GARCIA, CARLOS, “Buscando Trabajo: Social Networking Among Immigrants From Mexico to the United States,” 3. GARCIA, ORALIA A., see Trevino. R. P. GLORIA, ALBERTA M., JEANETT CASTELLANOS, AMBROCIA G. LOPEZ, and ROCIO ROSALES, “An Examination of Academic Nonpersistence: Decisions of Latino Undergrad¬ uates." 202. GLORIA. ALBERTA M., JEANETT CASTELLANOS, and VERONICA OROZCO, “Per¬ ceived Educational Barriers. Cultural Fit, Coping Responses, and Psychological Well-Being of Latina Undergraduates.” 161. GREENWALD. HOWARD R, SUZANNE O'KEEFE, and MARK DlCAMILLO, “Why Employed Latinos Lack Health Insurance: A Study in California,” 517. GROFF. JANET Y, see Cantor, S. B. GUTIERREZ, DELIA M., see Phinney. J. S. HANSON, WILLIAM E., see Morales. A. HERNANDEZ. ARTHUR E., see Trevino. R. P. HERNANDEZ. IRENE, see Trevino. R. P. HERRMANN. MELISSA, see Dutwin, D. JAMES, SUSAN, GEOFFREY S. NAVARA, JUANNE N. CLARKE, and JONATHAN LOMOTEY, “An Inquiry Into the “Agonies” (Agonias) of Portuguese Immigrants From the Azores,” 547. JUAREZ. LAURA C., see Cachelin, F. KARP, STEPHEN A., see Franco. F. KRUEGER. KRISTIN, see Martin, M. LANTOS, JOHN, see Martin. M. LAUDERDALE. DIANE, see Martin, M. LEVIN, REBECCA, see Dutwin, D. LOCKE. THOMAS F., and MICHAEL D. NEWCOMB, “Psychosocial Predictors and Corre¬ lates of Suicidality in Teenage Latino Males,” 319. LOMOTEY, JONATHAN, see James, S. LOPEZ. AMBROCIA G., see Gloria. A. M. MacSWAN, JEFF, and KELLIE ROLSTAD. “Modularity and the Facilitation Effect: Psycho¬ logical Mechanisms of Transfer in Bilingual Students,” 224. MARTIN. MOLLY, MARIA CAMARGO, LORI RAMOS, DIANE LAUDERDALE, KRISTIN KRUEGER, and JOHN LANTOS, “The Evaluation of a Latino Community Health Worker HIV Prevention Program.” 371. Index 567 MARTINEZ. SANDRA, LEE STILLERMAN, and MICHAEL WALDO, "Reliability and Validity of the SCL-90-R With Hispanic College Students,” 254. MONREAL, TERESA K., see Cachelin, F. MORALES. ALEJANDRO, and WILLIAM E. HANSON. “Language Brokering: An Integra¬ tive Review of the Literature.” 471. MULLEN, PATRICIA DOLAN, see Cantor, S. B. NAVARA, GEOFFREY S., see James. S. NEWCOMB, MICHAEL D., see Locke. T. F. O’KEEFE, SUZANNE, see Greenwald. H. P. OROZCO, VERONICA, see Gloria, A. M. PATTERSON, THOMAS L., SHIRLEY J. SEMPLE, MIGUEL FRAGA, JESUS BUCARDO, WENDY DAVILA-FRAGA. and STEFFANIE A. STRATHDEE, “An HIV-Prevention Intervention for Sex Workers in Tijuana, Mexico: A Pilot Study,” 82. PHINNEY, JEAN S., JESSICA M. DENNIS, and DELIA M. GUTIERREZ, “College Orienta¬ tion Profiles of Latino Students From Low StK'ioeconomic Backgrounds: A Cluster Analytic- Approach,” 387. PLUNKETT, SCOTT W., see Sands, T. POPPEN, PAUL J., see Ramirez-Valle/,, J. RAMl'REZ-JOHNSON, JOHNNY, see Belliard, J. C. RAMIREZ-VALLES, JESUS, STEVENSON FERGUS, CAROL A. REISEN. PAUL J. POPPEN, and MARIA CECILIA ZEA, “Confronting Stigma: Community Involvement and Psychological Well-Being Among HIV-Positive Latino Gay Men,” 101. RAMOS, LORI, see Martin, M. REISEN, CAROL A., see Ramirez-Vallez. J. REYES. YESENIA, see Cantor, S. B. RODRIGUEZ-CALCAGNO, MARIA, and ERNEST W. BREWER. “Job Stress Among His¬ panic Professionals,” 504. ROLSTAD, KELLIE, see MacSwan, J. ROSALES, ROCIO, see Gloria. A. M. SANDS. TOVAH, and SCOTT W. PLUNKETT, “A New Scale to Measure Adolescent Reports of Academic Support by Mothers, Fathers. Teachers, and Friends in Latino Immigrant Fami¬ lies,” 244. SCHOTTENBAUER. MICHELE A., see Franco. F. SCHUG, ROBERT A., see Cachelin, F. SEMPLE. SHIRLEY J., see Patterson, T. L. SMITH, BRENDA A., SHARON THOMPSON. JOE TOMAKA. and AMY C. BUCHANAN, “Development of the Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scales (IPVAS) With a Predomi¬ nantly Mexican American College Sample,” 442. SMITH, GABRIEL, see Anderson. K. J. STILLERMAN, LEE, see Martinez, S. STRATHDEE. STEFFANIE A., see Patterson, T. L. THOMPSON, SHARON, see Smith. B. A. TOMAKA. JOE. see Smith, B. A. TORTOLERO-LUNA, GUILLERMO, see Cantor, S. B. TREVINO, ROBERTO P, ARTHUR E. HERNANDEZ. ZENONG YIN, ORALIA A. GARCIA, and IRENE HERNANDEZ, “Effect of the Bienestar Health Program on Physical Fitness in Low-Income Mexican American Children,” 120. VILLARREAL. RICARDO, SHELLEY A. BLOZIS, and KEITH F. WIDAMAN. “Factorial Invariance of a Pan-Hispanic Familism Scale,” 409. ,r- ^ 568 Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences WALDO, MICHAEL, see Martinez, S. WEAVER, CHARLES N., “The Changing Image of Hispanic Americans,” 337. WEISSKIRCH, ROBERT S., “The Relationship of Language Brokering to Ethnic Identity for Latino Early Adolescents,” 286. WEYANT, JAMES M., “Implicit Stereotyping of Hispanics: Development and Validity of a His¬ panic Version of the Implicit Association Test,” 355. WIDAMAN, KEITH F., see Villarreal, R. YIN, ZENONG, see Trevino, R. P. ZEA, MARIA CECILIA, see Ramirez-Vallez, J. Articles: “BuscandoTrabajo: Stx;ial Networking Among Immigrants From Mexico to the United States,” Garcia, 3. “The Changing Image of Hispanic Americans,” Weaver, 337. “College Orientation Profiles of Latino Students From Low Socioeconomic Backgrounds: A Cluster Analytic Approach,” Phinney et al., 387. “Confronting Stigma: Community Involvement and Psychological Well-Being Among HIV- Positive Latino Gay Men,” Ramirez-Valles et al., 101. “Development of the Intimate Partner Violence Attitude Scales (IPVAS) With a Predominantly Mexican American College Sample,” Smith et al., 442. “Effect of the Bienestar Health Program on Physical Fitness in Low-Income Mexican American Children,” Trevino et al., 120. “Employment Hardship Among Mexican-Origin Women.” De Anda, 43. “The Evaluation of a Latino Community Health Worker HIV Prevention Program,” Martin et al., 371. “An Examination of Academic Nonpersistence: Decisions of Latino Undergraduates,” Gloria et al., 202. “Factorial Invariance of a Pan-Hispanic Familism Scale,” Villarreal et al, 409. “An HIV-Prevention Intervention for Sex Workers in Tijuana. Mexico: A Pilot Study,” Patterson et al.,82. “Implicit Stereotyping of Hispanics: Development and Validity of a Hispanic Version of the Implicit Association Test.” Weyant, 355. “An Inquiry Into the “Agonies” (Agonias) of Portuguese Immigrants From the Azores,” James et al., 547. “Job Stress Among Hispanic Professionals,” Rodriguez-Calcagno and Brewer, 504. “Language Brokering: An Integrative Review of the Literature,” Morales and Hanson, 471. “The Language Translation Process in Survey Research: A Cost Analysis,” Cantor et al., 364. “Latino Immigrants Describe Residence in Rural Midwestern Meatpacking Communities: A Longitudinal Assessment of Social and Economic Change,” Dalla and Christensen, 23. “Latinos and Political Party Affiliation.” Dutwin et al., 135. “Medical Pluralism in the Life of a Mexican Immigrant Woman,” Belliard and Rami'rez- Johnson, 267. “Modularity and the Facilitation Effect: Psychological Mechanisms of Transfer in Bilingual Stu¬ dents,” MacSwan and Rolstad, 224. “A New Scale to Measure Adolescent Reports of Academic Support by Mothers, Fathers. Teach¬ ers, and Friends in Latino Immigrant Families,” Sands and Plunkett. 244. “Perceived Educational Barriers. Cultural Fit, Coping Responses, and Psychological Well- Being of Latina Undergraduates.” Gloria et al., 161. Index 569 “Psychosocial Predictors and Correlates of Suicidality in Teenage Latino Males,” Locke and Newcomb, 319. “The Relationship of Language Brokering to Ethnic Identity for l.atino Early Adolescents,” Weisskirch, 286. "The Reliability and Validity of the Brief Acculturation Rating Scale for Mexican Americans-11 for Children and Adolescents,” Bauman, 426. “Reliability and Validity of the SCL-90-R With Hispanic College Students,” Martinez et al., 254. “School Attachment Among Latino Youth in Rural Minnesota.” Diaz, 300. "Sexual Abuse and Eating Disorders in a Community Sample of Mexican American Women,” Cachelin et al., 533. “The Spanish Version of the Draw-A-Person Questionnaire (DAPQ),” Franco et al., 455. "Spanglish: An Anglicized Spanish Dialect,” Ardila. 60. "Students’ Preconceptions of Professors; Benefits and Barriers According to Ethnicity and Gen¬ der,” Anderson and Smith, 184. “Why Employed Latinos LackHealthlnsurance: A Study in California,” Greenwaldet al.,517.

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