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Contents of Volume 112 - 2003/2004 Abe H —> Sahara K Camacho JPM — Cabrero J chromosome fusion points in the Indian Agbo EC, Duim B, Majiwa PAO, Cande WZ > Franklin AE muntjac deer 213 Biischer P, Claassen E, Pas MFW te: Cao X — Kimura M Helbig R, Fackelmayer FO: Scaffold Multiplex-endonuclease genotyping Chen JD — Svensson MJ attachment factor A (SAF-A) is approach (MEGA): a tool for the Cheng X — Jackson JP concentrated in inactive X chromosome fine-scale detection of unlinked Cheung P — Barber CM territories through its RGG domain 173 polymorphic DNA markers 267 Claassen E > Agbo EC Hoffelder DR, Luo L, Burke NA, Alekseyenko AA — Demakova OV Cook KR — Le HD Watkins SC, Gollin SM, Saunders WS: Alexandrova O, Solovei I, Cremer T, Coronado MJ — Testillano P Resolution of anaphase bridges in cancer David CN: Replication labeling patterns Corradini N, Rossi F, Verni F, Dimitri P: cells 389 and chromosome territories typical FISH analysis of Drosophila Hunt DF — Barber CM of mammalian nuclei are conserved melanogaster heterochromatin using Jackson JP, Johnson L, Jasencakova Z, in the early metazoan Hydra 190 BACs and P elements 26 Zhang X, PerezBurgos L, Singh PB, Allis CD > Barber CM Cremer C — Solovei I Cheng X, Schubert I, Jenuwein T, Alonso R > Andrade R Cremer T > Alexandrova O Jacobsen SE: Dimethylation of histone Alpi A, Pasierbek P, Gartner A, Loidl J: Cremer T > Solovei I H3 lysine 9 is a critical mark Genetic and cytological characterization Dalby AB, Prescott DM: The scrambled for DNA methylation and gene silencing of the recombination protein RAD-51 in Actin I gene in Uroleptus pisces 247 in Arabidopsis thaliana 308 Caenorhabditis elegans 6 David CN —> Alexandrova O Jacobsen SE — Jackson JP Andrade R, Alonso R, Pefia R, Arlucea J, Deltour R — Docquier S Jasencakova Z — Jackson JP Aréchaga J: Localization of importin Demakova OV, Kotlikova IV, Gordadze PR, Jenuwein T — Jackson JP o (Rch1) at the plasma membrane Alekseyenko AA, Kuroda MI, Johnson L > Jackson JP and subcellular redistribution during Zhimulev IF: The MSL complex levels Karpen GH > Le HD lymphocyte activation 87 are critical for its correct targeting Kawamura N —> Sahara K Aréchaga J > Andrade R to the chromosomes in Drosophila Kimura M, Cao X, Patel S, Aviv A: Arlucea J — Andrade R melanogaster 103 Survival advantage of cultured human Asano S — Sahara K Dimitri P — Corradini N vascular endothelial cells that lost Aviv A — Kimura M Docquier S, Tillemans V, Deltour R, chromosome 13 317 Bakkali M > Cabrero J Motte P: Nuclear bodies and Kotlikova IV — Demakova OV Balczon R, Wilson M, Bhatnagar YM: compartmentalization of pre-mRNA Kozubek M — LukaSova E Analysis of detached human kinetochores splicing factors in higher plants 255 Kozubek S — LukaSova E 96 Donaldson KM — Le HD Kufer TA, Nigg EA, Silljé HHW: Balicky EM, Young L, Orr-Weaver TL, Duim B — Agbo EC Regulation of Aurora-A kinase Bickel SE: A proposed role for the Dumas C — Testillano P on the mitotic spindle 159 Polycomb group protein dRING in Diiring K > Solovei I Kuroda MI — Demakova OV meiotic sister-chromatid cohesion 231 Ehrlich M — Yang F Lafarga M — Navascues J Bando H — Sahara K Engelhardt A — Solovei I Lagonia P > Tagarelli A Barber CM, Turner FB, Wang Y, Eugeni EE > Zhang L Lara FJS — Soares MAM Hagstrom K, Taverna SD, Mollah S, Fackelmayer FO — Helbig R Larsson J + Svensson MJ Ueberheide B, Meyer BJ, Hunt DF, Fajkus J — Sykorova E Le HD, Donaldson KM, Cook KR, Cheung P, Allis CD: The enhancement Falk M > LukaSova E Karpen GH: A high proportion of genes of histone H4 and H2A serine | Fellers J — Zhang P involved in position effect variegation phosphorylation during mitosis and Ferguson-Smith MA — Rens W also affect chromosome inheritance 269 S-phase is evolutionarily conserved 360 Fiorenzo P > Bongiorni S Leitch AR — Sykorova E Bass HW —> Franklin AE Franklin AE, Golubovskaya IN, Bass HW, Li W — Zhang P Basso LR Jr — Soares MAM Cande WZ: Improper chromosome Lim KY — Sykorova E Baur !A, Shay JW, Wright WE: synapsis is associated with elongated Locke J — Podemski L Spontaneous reactivation of a silent RADS| structures in the maize Loidl J > Alpi A telomeric transgene in a human cell line desynaptic2 mutant 17 L6épez-Leén MD — Cabrero J 240 Freire R > Reini K LukdSova E, Kozubek S, Falk M, Berciano MT — Navascues J Freitas MA — Zhang L Kozubek M, Zaloudik J, Vagunda V, Bhatnagar YM — Balczon R Friebe B — Zhang P Pavlovsky Z: Topography of genetic Bickel SE —> Balicky EM Fuerst PG, Voytas DF: CEN plasmid loci in the nuclei of cells of colorectal Bongiorni S, Fiorenzo P, Pippoletti D, segregation is destabilized by tethered carcinoma and adjacent tissue of colonic Prantera G: Inverted meiosis and meiotic determinants of Ty5 integration epithelium 221 drive in mealybugs 331 specificity: a role for double-strand Luo L > Hoffelder DR Bonvicino CR — Stanyon R breaks in CEN antagonism 58 Macas J, Navratilova A, Mészaros T: Brown WRA —> Mee PJ Gartner A > Alpi A Sequence subfamilies of satellite repeats Bugrov A —> Cabrero J Georgiev S — Testillano P related to rDNA intergenic spacer are Burchell JM — Madsen B Gill BS — Zhang P differentially amplified on Vicia sativa Burke NA — Hoffelder DR Gollin SM — Hoffelder DR chromosomes 152 Biischer P Agbo EC Golubovskaya IN —> Franklin AE Madsen B, Tarsounas M, Burchell JM, Cabrero J, Bakkali M, Bugrov A, Gordadze PR + Demakova OV Hall D, Poulsom R, Taylor-Papadimitriou Warchalowska-Sliwa E, Graves JAM — Rens W J: PLU-1, a transcriptional repressor Lépez-Leén MD, Perfectti F, Hagstrom K — Barber CM and putative testis-cancer antigen, has Camacho JPM: Multiregional origin of B Hall D — Madsen B a specific expression and localisation chromosomes in the grasshopper Hartmann N, Scherthan H: pattern during meiosis 124 Eyprepocnemis plorans 207 Characterization of ancestral Majiwa PAO > Agbo EC IV Marsh JL — Podemski L Rens W, O’Brien PCM, Graves JAM, years after the chromosomal theory of Matera AG — Navascues J Ferguson-Smith MA: Localization heredity 1 Matsuda Y — Yamada K of chromosome regions in potoroo nuclei Tagarelli G — Tagarelli A Matthys-Rochon E — Testillano P (Potorous tridactylus Marsupialia: Tarsounas M > Madsen B Mee PJ, Shen MH, Smith AG, Potoroinae) 66 Taverna SD — Barber CM Brown WRA: An unpaired mouse Riha K => Siroky J Taylor-Papadimitriou J + Madsen B centromere passes consistently through Risueno MC — Testillano P Testillano P, Georgiev S, Mogensen HL, male meiosis and does not significantly Rossi F > Corradini N Coronado MJ, Dumas C, Risueno MC, compromise spermatogenesis 183 Sahara K, Yoshido A, Kawamura N, Matthys-Rochon E: Spontaneous Mészaros T > Macas J Ohnuma A, Abe H, Mita K, Oshiki T, chromosome doubling results from Meyer BJ — Barber CM Shimada T, Asano S, Bando H, nuclear fusion during in vitro maize Mita K — Sahara K Yasukochi Y: W-derived BAC probes induced microspore embryogenesis 342 Moens PB —> Reini K as a new tool for identification of the W Tillemans V — Docquier S Mogensen HL — Testillano P chromosome and its aberrations Tucker KE — Navascues J Mollah S — Barber CM in Bombyx mori 48 Turner FB — Barber CM Monesi N — Soares MAM Santos AP —> Prieto P Ueberheide B — Barber CM Moore G — Prieto P Saunders WS — Hoffelder DR Uitto L > Reini K Motte P — Docquier S Schermelleh L —> Solovei I Vagunda V > LukaSova E Navascues J, Berciano MT, Tucker KE, Scherthan H > Hartmann N Vedanarayanan V —> Yang F Lafarga M, Matera AG: Targeting SMN Schubert I — Jackson JP Verni F — Corradini N to Cajal bodies and nuclear gems during Seudnez HN — Stanyon R Voytas DF > Fuerst PG neuritogenesis 398 Shao C —> Yang F Vyskot B — Siroky J Navratilova A — Macas J Shaw P — Prieto P Wang Y — Barber CM Nigg EA — Kufer TA Shay JW — Baur JA Warchalowska-Sliwa E — Cabrero J Nigg E: Chromosoma — Exploring New Shen MH — Mee PJ Watkins SC — Hoffelder DR Horizons 57 Shimada T — Sahara K Wilson M > Balczon R Nishida-Umehara C — Yamada K Shippen DE — Siroky J Wright WE > Baur JA Ohnuma A — Sahara K Silljé HHW — Kufer TA Yamada K, Nishida-Umehara C, Orr-Weaver TL —> Balicky EM Singh PB — Jackson JP Matsuda Y: A new family of satellite O’Brien PCM — Rens W Siroky J, Zluvova J, Riha K, Shippen DE, DNA sequences as a major component Oshiki T — Sahara K Vyskot B: Rearrangements of ribosomal of centromeric heterochromatin in owls Pacé-Larson ML — Soares MAM DNA clusters in late generation (Strigiformes) 372 Parthun MR — Zhang L telomerase-deficient Arabidopsis 116 Yamada K, Nishida-Umehara C, Pas MFW te — Agbo EC Smith AG > Mee PJ Matsuda Y: A new family of satellite Pasierbek P > Alpi A Soares MAM, Monesi N, Basso LR Jr, DNA sequences as a major component Patel S + Kimura M Stocker AJ, Pagé-Larson ML, Lara FJS: of centromeric heterochromatin in owls Paulasova P — Pellestor F Analysis of the amplification and (Strigiformes) 277 Pavlovsky Z > LukaSova E transcription of the C3-22 gene Yang F, Shao C, Vedanarayanan V, Pellestor F, Paulasova P: The peptide of Rhynchosciara americana (Diptera: Ehrlich M: Cytogenetic and nucleic acids (PNAs): introduction Sciaridae) in transgenic lines of immuno-FISH analysis of the 4q to a new class of probes for chromosomal Drosophila melanogaster 144 subtelomeric region, which is associated investigation 375 Solari AJ — Pigozzi MI with facioscapulohumeral muscular Pefia R > Andrade R Solovei I, Schermelleh L, Diiring K, dystrophy 350 Perera D > Reini K Engelhardt A, Stein S, Cremer C, Yasukochi Y — Sahara K PerezBurgos L — Jackson JP Cremer T: Differences in centromere Yoshido A — Sahara K Perfectti F — Cabrero J positioning of cycling and postmitotic Young L — Balicky EM Pigozzi MI, Solari AJ: Differential human cell types 410 Zaloudik J — LukaSova E immunolocalization of a putative Rec8p Solovei I — Alexandrova O Zhang L, Eugeni EE, Parthun MR, in meiotic autosomes and sex Sousa-Neves R — Podemski L Freitas MA: Identification of novel chromosomes of triatomine bugs 38 Stanyon R, Bonvicino CR, Svartman M, histone post-translational modifications Pippoletti D + Bongiorni S Seudnez HN: Chromosome painting by peptide mass fingerprinting 77 Piro A —> Tagarelli A in Callicebus lugens, the species with Zhang P, Li W, Fellers J, Friebe B, Gill BS: Pirrotta V — Svensson MJ the lowest diploid number (2n=16) BAC-FISH in wheat identifies Podemski L, Sousa-Neves R, Marsh JL, known in primates 201 chromosome landmarks consisting Locke J: Molecular mapping of deletion Stein S > Solovei I of different types of transposable breakpoints on chromosome 4 of Stocker AJ — Soares MAM elements 288 Drosophila melanogaster 381 Svartman M — Stanyon R Zhang X — Jackson JP Poulsom R — Madsen B Svensson MJ, Chen JD, Pirrotta V, Zhimulev IF + Demakova OV Prantera G > Bongiorni S Larsson J: The Thioredoxin T and Zluvova J > Siroky J Prescott DM — Dalby AB deadhead gene pair encode testis- Prieto P, Santos AP, Moore G, Shaw P: and ovary-specific thioredoxins Chromosomes associate premeiotically in Drosophila melanogaster 133 and in xylem vessel cells via their Sykorova E, Lim KY, Fajkus J, Leitch AR: telomeres and centromeres in diploid rice The signature of the Cestrum genome Indexed in/abstracted by: Current (Oryza sativa) 300 suggests an evolutionary response to the Contents/Life Sciences; PubMed; Chemical Reini K, Uitto L, Perera D, Moens PB, loss of (TTTAGGG), telomeres 164 Abstracts Service; BIOSIS, Zoological Freire R, Syvaoja JE: TopBP1 localises Syvaoja JE > Reini K Record; Index Medicus; Science Citation to centrosomes in mitosis and to Tagarelli A, Piro A, Lagonia P, Tagarelli G: Index; Aquatic Science Fisheries Abstracts; chromosome cores in meiosis 323 Walter Stanborough Sutton: a hundred EMBASE

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