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Carbon Cycle in the Russian Arctic Seas PDF

336 Pages·2004·13.55 MB·English
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Carbon Cycle in the Russian Arctic Seas Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg GmbH Alexander A. Vetrov Evgenii A. Romankevich Carbon Cycle in the Russian Arctic Seas With 93 Figures , Springer Dr. Alexander A. Vetrov Prof. Evgenii A. Romankevich P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, RAS N akhimovsky prospect 36 117997 Moscow Russia E-mail: v Preface At present, studies of the Arctic Basin are of particular importance to the world scientific community due to the strong influence of this region on the global climate, its enormous mineral and hydrocarbon resources, the poor knowledge about the polar biosphere, and the growing anthropogenic pollution of the Arctic (Gramberg et al. 2000; KIuev 2000). Therefore, the forthcoming century is sometimes justly named "the century of the Arctic." Global climatic changes attract the close attention of scientists from all over the world. The prevalent concept that climate warming is a minor positive anomaly in the planetary temperature is documented by the analyses of hundreds of thousands of deep-sea samples. Forecasts predict a tendency to even stronger warming over the next decades (Watson et al. 1998). The climate warming is accompanied by a reduction in the area and thickness of the ice cover, a negative balance of the Arctic glaciers, a northward migration of the arboreal front, an increase in the permafrost temperature in the Russian Arctic, and a tendency to the growth of biological productivity (Serreze et al. 2000; Morison et al. 2001). Carbon cycling strongly affects the earth's climate;, its study in the Arctic Seas of Russia is an essential link in the solution of the global climate change problem. In this book, carbon cycling in the Arctic seas of Russia is considered in terms of biogeochemistry, implying the leading role of living organic matter and carbon compounds in the functioning of the biosphere. Biogeochemistry was first developed by V.r. Vernadsky and now forms the basis for scientific ideas on the biosphere and noosphere. The concepts of biogeochemistry and a multidisciplinary consideration of the interactions between the biological, chemical, and geological processes in the carbon cycling provide an appropriate alternative to the narrow specialized approach to the problem. The box (reservoir) model of carbon cycling was partially realized on the basis of the consideration of fluxes, masses, distribution, and balance of different forms of carbon in the land-sea-bottom sediment system, including the horizontal fluxes of carbon in the land-sea system and the photosynthetic, bioproductive, sedimentary, and diagenetic fluxes. Gaseous carbon exchange in the atmosphere-sea water system is left beyond our assessment due to the scarceness data for both the Arctic Seas of Russia and the Arctic Ocean. Since the second half of the 20th century, complex systems such as carbon cycling have usually been studied on the matter-energy level considering both the matter and energy fluxes. It should be noted that the parameters of the organic carbon cycling are representative for the organic matter content and hence provide VI information on the fluxes of both matter and potential (chemical) energy. Carbon masses can increase or decrease in the course of their circulation; meanwhile, the flux of chemical energy always reduces after it enters the cycling. This important feature of carbon cycling is manifested in the dissipation of chemical energy, which is partly transformed to heat and partly preserved as reduced compounds of carbon and other chemical elements. The latter represents a good example of the storage of information as one of the fundamental properties of the matter and one of the basic scientific concepts (the trinity of matter, energy, and information). The mineral resources of the earth's interior are the primary source of carbon. The living matter has been the main agent and the driving force for the carbon cycling in the biosphere for over 3.5 billion years. Under the thermodynamic conditions of the present-day and earlier biospheres, the only way for organic matter to gain the property of infinity is to revolve within a closed process. The strategy of life in the biosphere is founded on the fact that this "almost" closure, provides the accumulation of organic matter in soils, peat, coal, and oil, without which higher forms of life could never develop with all the after effects of its expansion in the nature. The concept of various-scale cyclic processes of development lies in the basis of natural sciences. The ideas of major geological circulation of matter and of biogeochemical cycles as its components are fundamental concepts in the earth's sciences. The essence of the biogeochemical carbon cycle consists of the transformation of inorganic carbon forms to organic compounds and carbonates during biosynthesis using both solar energy (photosynthesis) and mineral resources (primary chemosynthesis). Later on, these compounds are decomposed and dissolved in trophic webs of the biogeochemically active zones (mainly) and then return into the cycle as oxidized carbon and other nutrients. In this book, we assess carbon cycling on the time scale of the order of a few years. The maximum period is defined by the estimates of the burial of organic and carbonate carbon (hundreds of years) and by the turnover times of the dissolved organic carbon in the Arctic Seas of Russia. The authors are grateful to the geochemists, geologists, biologists, and hydrophysicists from the P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology; the Institute of Microbiology; the Institute "Okeangeologiya"; the Arctic and Antarctic Institute; the Geographic Dep. of the Moscow State University; the State Hydrological Institute; and the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research. We would like to express sincere thanks to A.Vasil'ev, V.Vedernikov, S.Lyutsarev, E.Safonova, V.Peresypkin, S.lvanov, L.Kodina, S.Koukina, who kindly allowed us to use their unpublished material and for assisting in the preparation of the English version of the book with available data for 2000-2003. We are grateful to the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science of the Russian Federation-the Federal Purposive Scientific-Technical Program, Project "Processes of Environment Changes in the Coastal Zone from Hydrochemical and Biochemical Indicators" (1998-2000) and the "World Ocean" Federal Purposive Program, Section "Global Carbon Cycling in the Ocean and at Its Boundaries with the Atmosphere and the Lithosphere," project nos. 2, 5, and 6. VII This study was also supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project nos. 94-05-17307, 97-05-64076, 00-05-64410, and 03-05-64218. VIII Contents 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1 2 Features of the Arctic Seas of Russia and Their Ecosystems ...................•.... 5 2.1 Brief History of the Studies ......................................................................... 5 2.2 Physical Geography ..................................................................................... 6 2.3 Features of Geological Structure and Sedimentation ................................. 12 2.4 Hydrology .................................................................................................. 24 2.5 Hydrochemistry ......................................................................................... 34 2.5.1 Oxygen ............................................................................................... 35 2.5.2 pH ....................................................................................................... 46 2.5.3 Alkalinity ............................................................................................ 51 2.5.4 Nutrients (P, N, and Si) ...................................................................... 54 3 Biological Production of the Arctic Seas of Russia ........................................ 67 3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 67 3.2 Barents Sea ................................................................................................ 71 3.3 White Sea ................................................................................................... 99 3.4. Kara Sea .................................................................................................. 105 3.5. Seas of the East Arctic ............................................................................ 117 4 Particulate Matter and Vertical Carbon Fluxes in the Water-Bottom System ................................................................................................................. 133 4.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 133 4.2 Barents Sea .............................................................................................. 135 4.3 White Sea ................................................................................................. 155 IX 4.4 Kara Sea ................................................................................................... 163 4.5 Laptev, East Siberian, and Chukchi Seas ................................................. 17 5 4.6 Carbon Fluxes from the Photic Zone to the Seafloor ............................... 182 4.7 Conclusion ............................................................................................... 196 5 Horizontal Carbon Fluxes in the Land-8ea System ................................ 201 5.1 Riverine Runoff and Carbon Fluxes ........................................................ 201 5.1.1 Water Runoff and Particulate Matter Supply ................................... 201 5.1.2 Carbon runoff .................................................................................. 208 5.2 Coastal Abrasion and Carbon Fluxes ....................................................... 216 5.3 Aerosols and Eolian Carbon Fluxes ......................................................... 220 5.4 Underground and Glacial Runoff. ............................................................ 224 5.4.1 Underground Runoff ........................................................................ 224 5.4.2 Ice and Glacial Discharge ................................................................. 226 5.4.3 Interstitial Waters ............................................................................. 227 6 Carbon in the Bottom Sediments .................................................................. 229 6.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 229 6.2 Brief History of the Studies of Carbon and Organic Matter Composition ............................................................................................. 230 6.3 Selected Features of the Polar Lithogenesis ............................................. 231 6.4 Organo-Chemical Composition of the Sediments .................................... 234 6.5 Distribution and Accumulation Rate of Carbon in the Bottom Sediments ................................................................................................. 247 6.5.1 Contents ofTOC and Ccarb in Different Types of the Sediments ...... 247 6.5.2 Distribution ofTOC and its Accumulation Rate in the Bottom Sediments ......................................................................................... 250 6.5.3 Distribution ofCcarb and its Accumulation Rates in the Bottom Sediments ......................................................................................... 258 7 Elements of Carbon Balance and Cycling in the Arctic Seas of Russia ..... 265 7.1 Fluxes and Balance of Masses ................................................................. 265 7.2 Ecological Features of the Arctic Seas and their lnfluence on Carbon Cycling ..................................................................................................... 279 References .......................................................................................................... 287 Index ................................................................................................................... 327 x Abbreviations ASR -Arctic Seas of Russia TOC - total organic carbon Ccarb - carbonate carbon (solid phase) Corg - organic carbon OM - organic matter PM - particulate matter POC - particulate organic carbon DOC - dissolved organic carbon DIC - dissolved inorganic carbon PP - primary production C/N - ratio of organic carbon to nitrogen CPI - odd-even predominance index of the n-alkanes Chl a - chlorophyll "a" N- N 0 3- - nitrogen of nitrates N-N02- - nitrogen of nitrites P-P04--- - phosphor of phosphates Si-Si03-- - silicon ofmetasilicic acid AlkICI - alkaline-chlorine coefficient HC - hydrocarbons (n-alkanes) PA H - polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons HA - humic acids Nph - naphthenic hydrocarbons ROM - residual organic matter FDoc - total flux of DOC from land Fpoc - total flux ofPOC from land FTER - total terrigene (allochtonous) flux (Fpoc + FDod FpHs - total photosynthetic flux ofTOC F SEAFL - total flux to seafloor FC - fossilization coefficient AANII - Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia GUNIO VMF - General Government for Navigation and Oceanogr. of Navy KNC RAN - Kola Science Center Russian Academy of Sciences MGU - Moscow State University MMBI - Murmansk Marine Biological Institute, Murmansk, Russia PINRO - Polar Institute for Fishery and Oceanography VNll - All-Russia Research Institute "Ocean geology" Okeangeologiya VNIRO - All-Russia Research Institute for Fishery and Oceanography

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