2018 Arlington Patriots Day Parade Contract This year’s Parade will be held on Sunday, April 15, 2018 at 2:00 pm Name of Participant/Group: ___________________________________________________ Number of Members Performing in Group: ____________ Amount Requested: ________ Other Vehicle, Float, etc: ________________________________________________________ Additional Information: ________________________________________________________ Contract Terms: The Group/Unit Contact Person will be sent all pertinent information the week prior to the Parade and groups will be responsible for arriving at your numbered staging location by 12:30 pm. Any reduction or changes in the number of performers or participants quoted, may result in a reduction of the agreed upon rate. If your unit or group is being sponsored, you are required to provide 2 people to carry a performer/sponsor banner preceding your group. Banners will be provided by the Patriots’ Day Parade Committee. Payment for services will be issued within 2 weeks after the Parade. By signing of this contract, both parties, agree to the terms of this contract. ________________________________ __________________________________ Authorized Signature of Authorized Signature of Participant Group/Unit Patriots’ Day Parade Committee On a separate sheet, please provide a brief description of your unit to be read as it passes the reviewing stand. Please print or type and return it with this application. This is optional for all units. Organization: ________________________________________________________ Contact Person: _________________________ Signature: _____________________ Contact Phone #: _______________________ Alternate Phone #: ______________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ Town ________________________________ Zip Code__________________ E-Mail _____________________________________________________________ We thank you for participating in this exciting and patriotic annual event! ***********************************************For Office Use Only ********************************************* Date received: __________________ Amount Requested: ___________________ Amount Approved: __________________ Approved: _______________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________ ************************************ PLEASE RETURN BY: MARCH 2, 2018 ************************************* Arlington Patriots Day Parade Committee 27 Maple Street, Arlington, MA 02476 or you may email this form to: [email protected]