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Fojtoara Teika's Supreme Poems of Qur Times. A Thisteemth-Century Poetic Treatise and Sequence. eviews Authors] Hilda Kats Poole Affairs, Vol. 41, No.4, (Winter, 1968-1969), pp. 607-608, Stable URL: liek eememgiisch ON20-98: N28 OmDASOE TORN 2041 SSANE IORTRTALTSPOOS SER CONTE L clic Apes Ss cumen.y pute by Pac As, Caves» ts Cola, ‘Yourus of ue JSTOR axbive tices yuu accepkoxe u: JSJOR's Terns nd Cols of Ube, wsdl a bape jsoronguivers ba, [STOR Tera ent Cafes ve provides, a, Ua es Jue blamed pur pease, yay WU Ua a ene fs aul eal eos ables, a so ty se met ke JSTOR see aly Toe ve pene oeroxuril Pleoe cumiaet epi vecou say free we Us wo, Buber lianas be use a pz jour rout A {tel cony any pat ot 4 ASTOR fmsibue mun uml We sme vpn wai geo the sere nes ge acon, JSTOR 4a ialependen olor poll gaze doco neg poser ac al che etary joumul, Luc use infurug eating ISTOR, plese imate! supporto pater ter cy Tue ISCO SD 20 Took Reviews on tha muszogs hs ha ws eeee”(p.lf).Tn are a thie nessa 298 ‘he jem to be masteved is carey end poogtesrvely dl sgaia. tv the ovat wlurs the sxe gan refs Uk "Heoguage means “ovelearing” i ceifoce the aan aut ef the Hise fs tet i cea to semethiog spat drome em voder stl, Meeting ier ta practice "The avs of this wel-plaraed method ace very high, Tee nat designed fo the event oho nevds to kaa only ¢ ile Jepaner. or ae Hele te silb%e fr ste dging ity But fo: the seco: stadont sche aces Japanese fo poesiowal petpose. bas zzllege barks-ound, Tapanee fox a two-year come, wid am per eri the Sse ear and es dat emer a the In the tneaductin, che avin ances che pngesd. aah another work, Vie fseonie Wang Soitvs. This cond be the a0sn2e Se aly scrinus daioney af Japenese Largwoge Patra. le presents the enous ¢vedes of fordemenel ard rl yelected Japan pacers be utd der aural eter: 3 diclomue,a conversion. a shart nerrci Resides the “Esaneeay" fae fovcleed in the learaing of pauares ouside aczttces end the ucts hel on memory), there & Pre his meee Eg fore endo. to wun a oan = oe these otto in the wae serting of the Icguege in we. 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