Garden State Watercolor Society Newsletter Volume 10, Number 1 January 31, 2000 Garden State Watercolor Society Newsletter Diana Wilkoc Patton -197 Stony Brook Drive Bridgewater. NJ 08807 en St al e Gard e r s arY , fWlopatpeyrc Aollotar iSr ocietv! Celetyrtitiog at s! Ye 113 i rty Your BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Elizabeth Roedell 732/329/8232 Officers First Vice-President Deborah Paghone 609/259-3502 2nd Vice-President Thomas E. Rutledge 609/296-0334 Treasurer Elizabeth Umberger 609/882-2901 Recording Secretary Bernice Fatto 908/359-5373 Corresponding Secretary Lorraine Williams 908/359-0314 STANDING COMMITTEES Membership Chair Sandy Mezinis 732/549-6258 Historian Marge Chavooshian 609/695-8645 Newsletter Diana Wilkoc Patton 908/722-0562 Data Base Administrator Nancy Alm 732/238-3073 Publicity Chair Seow-Chu See 609/799-3149 Exhibition:Prospectus & Catalog Chuck Person 908/359-6715 Nominating Chair Mary Kramarenko 609, -146-0974 Workshops Marguerite Breen 609/737-1640 Accountant Edward Russell, CPA 908/647-1060 Member at Large Marthe Tribble McKinnon 609/921-3732 Honorary Members Charles and Dorothy Plohn, Jr. Jack Scott loin Malloy James Warga In addition. you can find the GSWS listing on the Internet at Funding has been made possible in part by the Mercer County Cultural and Heritage Commission through a grant from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts. Th Just to say it aloud sounds wondrous (try it), The new Millennium. I e Year 2000! 11 know I know; you could call it a quirk of fate that we are here to straddle two centuries, two millenniums. But far more fun to feel there's a reason for us to be doing so. Perhaps this can be an extra source of inspiration for our lives. our paintings. Perhaps this is meant to be. Perhaps I'm over-dramatic. Who cares?! Get your inspiration, your excitement. your joy where you can. And perhaps express it in your work (cid:9) ---- -- And when you need a break, peruse this Newsletter. You'll find parts of a poem passed on to this editor by our President interspersed throughout the Newsletter with the names of volunteers this year, as a sort of thank you for helping. To read the whole poem, you just have to read the names of all the volunteers (at least that's what this editor is aiming for). SADNESS(cid:9) 4V.i? regret to announce several deaths(cid:9) Member Ravi Karkal passed away on May 5th after a massive heart attack. Our sympathies go out to Mukta Karkal. Ravi's wife, who wrote "Thank you for giving him a chance in several exhibitions to participate.." (editor's note.. it was only last spring that I saw one of Ravi's handsome paintings on the cover of the arts/entertainment section of a local newspaper). Ravi worked as an artist Jiff 35 years. A graduate of the School of Art in India. Ravi also worked with young artists each ,year, helping them to prepare to enter international art competitions. Our sympathy also to the family and friends of one of our younger members, Kenneth McCann, who had won an award in our 1997 furled Ellarslie Show and who died July 4, 1999. To Janet Singley, to Mitzi Kust, and D to Rosemary Hutchins, whose husbands recently died, we are very sorry. 30th Annual Juried Show — Gem Indeed! Ode to a The Garden State Watercolor Society was fortunate to have its 30th Anniversary Juried Show at the New jersey State Museum in Trenton. Leah Phyfer Sloshberg, Director of the Museum, and Margaret M. O'Reilly, Assistant Volunteer Curator, Fine Arts, at the Museum, were the Jurors of the show; 56 paintings were chosen out of 132 entries. (source unknown) Approximately 150 people attended the Opening Reception. During the course of the exhibit, which ran from Mari a ill be shocked to find October 30, 1999 until January 2, 2000, demonstrations were given by Ruth Wilson, Joan McKinney; and Nessa Then the day of judgement nears. Grainger, with a Gallery Walk done by Marge Chavooshian. That there's a special place in Heat en Deborah Paglione, our First Vice-president did two hands-on demonstrations for Kaleidoscope Kids at the set aside for volunteers. museum, and was also interviewed by ComCast Cable and appeared on NEWSMAKERS. CNS. which aired three Furnished with big recliners, times a day: five minutes before the hour. Satin (whims andfiotstools. For the first time the GSWS was listed on the internet under Many inquiries were received Where there's no committee chairmen for the Juried Show Four paintings were sold from the show And last, but a far cry from being least. we welcome No group leaders or carpools. the following artists who, having been accepted into three of the last seven juried shows, are now Full Members of the Garden State Watercolor Society: Walter Bill, Irma Fuhr, Judi Gilden. and Ed Kojola. Hearty congratulations (Volunteers are listed in no set order. and mani bare volunteered for to all of you! several pro/eds.- writing invitations for one show helping bang another. and receiving for a third. Please read all verses: applaud all nodunierm. Alice Winsbau. Barbara Reeder Jackie Wowenherg Robert Heger Alice Payne Bernice Fatto Seote-Chu See Chuck Person - President's Award Belly Stroppel, Charles Dena Memorial Award Nessa Grainger furled Reception furled Reception Gloria Pernik Sandra Nusblatt Susan mwart Rachel Hendersbott Deborah Paglione Scow Chu See. Nummie Warp Memorial Award furled Reception Awards totaled 56.615. We are most happy to announce the recipients. $1,000.(cid:9) Dagmar H. Tribble Memorial Award (cid:9) Elizabeth Lombardi $1,000.(cid:9) Merrill lynch & Co., Inc. Award (cid:9) James Toogood ANS. 51,000.(cid:9) A Friend's Award-Dorothy and Charles Plohn, Jr (cid:9) Charles McVicker 51.000.(cid:9) Nummie Varga Memorial Award.(cid:9) Seow-Chu See 5600.(cid:9) Garden State Watercolor Society Award (cid:9) Joanne Augustine $500.(cid:9) Cotswold Industries Award (cid:9) Lucy Graves McVicker $400.(cid:9) President's Award (cid:9) Chuck Person $265.(cid:9) Charles Dunn Memorial Award (cid:9) Betty M. Stroppel $250.(cid:9) American Cyanamid Award... (cid:9) Thomas Rutledge $200.(cid:9) Triangle Award-Gift Certificate (cid:9) Gregory Bruno $100.(cid:9) American .Artist Professional League Award (cid:9) Beth Kantor 5100.(cid:9) B. Bud Chavooshian Memorial Award (cid:9) Barbara Cox $100.(cid:9) Cranbury Station Art Gallery Award- Gift Certificate (cid:9) Muriel I. Rogers $100.(cid:9) Cheap Joe's Art Stuff Award-Gift Certificate (cid:9) Irvane Spracklin One Person Show at David Sarnoff Research Center (cid:9) Robert Sakson New GSWS Full Members(cid:9) Congratulations! After years considering art as a hobby, VaLTER BILL has recently become very active in art associations (eight Ode to a at present). Having received over 36 awards, including 12 Best of Show or First Place ribbons, Walt has had Volunteer seven solo exhibitions. Walt paints in a traditional, transparent style favoring nostalgic subjects. With his wife cant d. Ruth he travels along back roads in rural areas of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania to find inspiration, .n :Vo eager team that needs a coach self-taught artist, he studies works by Edward Hopper, Charles Burchfield, Andrew Wyeth, and John Pike. Vo bazaar and no bake sale, Currently Walt has produced a series of watercolors of Victorian homes and buildings as well as historic railroad There will he nothing to staple, stations that have created new interest by collectors. It has been one of his main goals to become a Full Member. NOE one thing M fold or mail Pursuing her love of art. IRMA FUIIR studied watercolor for several years with Ron Lent. As well as the Garden Telephone lasts will be outlawed State Watercolor Society, Irma is a member of the Hunterdon County Watercolor Society and Artsbridge in But a finger .snap will bring. Lambertville, NJ. She is a realistic painter and enjoys doing scenes of the rural surrounding area. her paintings 04 drinks and gourmet dinners have gained acceptance in juried shows such as the Correll Gallery, Phillips Mill, the Hunterdon Art Center, and And rare treats fitfr a king. Artsbridge at Prallsville Mils. She is included in many area private collections and deems it a privilege to be a Full Member of the GSWS. Volunteers JUDI GILDEN is a Marlboro, NJ watercolorist whose education includes a BA in Philosophy and Psychology Betty Munk from LIU, an MA in Philosophy from NYU, two NYC teaching licenses, and 17 years experience with Watercolor. Connie Gray Judi studied watercolor at Snug Harbor's ART LAB, at Dan Werner's ART NETWORK. and in many workshops. Lorraine Williams Judi's watercolors have been in juried shows including the Monmouth Museum, the Trenton City. Museum at Janet Singley Ellarslie, the Perkins Center for the Arts, the Paper Mill Playhouse, the Gallery at Bristol-Meyers Squibb, the Harriet Kallanic Richmond County Supreme Court, the Ocean County Artist's Guild, and the Guild of Creative Art, as well as the Miriam Friend .APL. the North East Watercolor Society; the NJWCS, the Staten Island Watercolor Society; the Monmouth Arts Virginia Hopkins Foundation, Inc., and the Freehold Art Society; Judi's schedule includes teaching, demonstrating, lecturing, and Joan Quackenbush jurying exhibits. This past spring Judi won a North East Watercolor Society Award of Merit at the Gth Annual Wilma Shinier Members Show "The scope of my work represents a wide variety of subjects, but my themes always return to Mary Kramarenko my love of nature, and how the smallest leaf or seed pod fills me with awe." Ruth Iribon ED KOJOLA became our fourth new Full Member with his work "American Gothic, Nut Swamp Road, NJ-circa Joan McKinney 1937".in our 30th Annual Juried Show Marge C,harooshian Ed Baumlin Eileen Person Chuck Person Judy Gilder Elisabeth f,mberger Rosemary Hutchins Maureen Gag Patrice Spryvieri Sylvia Glesmann Helen Kerberski Margery Prior Susanna Anastasia Irma Fuhr 4 Ualter Bilt Judi Ulden Thank You The Garden State U'atercolor Society gratefully acknowledges the generous corporate. public, and foundation support and matching gifts of American Artist Magazine Impact Images American Frame Corporation Jerry's Artarama American Artist Professional League Johnson & Johnson American Cyanamid Marthe McKinnon Marge Chavooshian Mercer County Cultural & Heritage Cheap Joe's ArtStuff Commission....Neviersey State CNA Insurance Council on the Arts Cotswold Industries Merrill Lynch Co., Inc Cranbury Station Art Gallery Eileen and Chuck Person Da Vinci Paints Dorothy and Charles PlohnJr. Dater Rowney Jack Scott Daniel Smith Silver Brush David Sarnoff Research Center Stark & Stark_ Attorneys at Law Charles Dunn Watercolor Critique Group Stu-Art Supplies Exxon Corporation The Mail Room Friends of the New Jersey State Museum Triangle Art Centers Graphic Art Systems James Warga Hyatt Regency, Carnegie Center Watercolorists Unlimited Bits and Pieces... If nou still have Your last CI,SW,S Newsletter with the questionnaire insert. Deborah Paglione would greatly appreciate your taking a few moments of your time to CIE it out and mail it to her, MITI Even if the Newsletter long ago hit the dustbin, this questionnaire/survey is important to us: please phone Deborah at 609/259-3502 to either request a new insert or she can even ask you questions over the phone. Barbara !Verb's, Workshop at 1860 House JAM ES WAR( was recently named an HONORARY MEMBER October 4 - 7, 1999 of the Garden State 1,4tercolor Society: At our 30th Anniversary Show Seow-Chu See was the recipient of the $1,000. Nummie also do workshops and demos. Occasionally we are Warga Memorial Award. (editor's note: as far back as this editor all asked where classes can be found (this editor is can remember. and that's pretty far, Nummie and James were ahrays being asked. where children can be taught) and have been wonderful supporters of the GSWS). and a listing might be helpful to all of us. Just drop The Barbara Nechis Workshop in October at the 1860 I louse this editor a postcard--497 Stony Brook Dr. attracted 24 participants. Crider the direction of Marguerite Bridgewater, NJ, 08807. Breen in the new position of Workshop Chairperson, the GSWS AMERICAN FRAME CO. OFFER STILL. hopes to have more workshops as popular as this. STANDS (cid:9) Did von realize that the American Frame You'll notice later on that several of you have workshops Co. has been and ‘‘ill donate 5% of the amount of listed. For the next Newsletter this editor would like to include your order to the Garden State Watercolor Society if not just workshops, but a list of teachers from our you mention you're a member (full or associate). membership, who and where yott teach. and ‘khat (it may be Perhaps you'll want to put a reminder on your AFCo. watercolor and oil. or watercolor and drawing). whether you'll catalogue for the next time you place an order. The Associates Show a Hit at Stark & Stark Once again the Lawrenceville law firm of Stark & Stark was gracious enough to sponsor the Garden State Watercolor Society's third annual Associate Members Juried Exhibition in their reception area galleries November 15 to January 7. Jurors Gary Snyder. Director of the Snyder Fine Art Gallery in New York City and Frances McIlvain, Signature Member of the American Watercolor Society, accepted 31 paintings from 76 entries. The reception on November 18 captured a large audience. Awards were given out by Bonnie Brenner, Assistant Firm Administrator of Stark & Stark and Deborah Paglione. First Vice-president of GSWS. Congratulations to all! $250.(cid:9) First Place (cid:9) Bonnie March $150.(cid:9) Second Place (cid:9) Connie Schlosser 51(X).(cid:9) Third Place (cid:9) Marguerite Doernbach Honorable Mention (Cheap Joe's Materials Award) (cid:9) Seow-Chu See Honorable Mention (Cheap Joe's Materials Award) (cid:9) Beth !cantor juror's Merit Award (cid:9) Eileen McCoy Juror's Merit Award (cid:9) Norma Griffith Demos were given In Susanna Anastasia and lbm Rutledge at the Opening Reception which were well received. and Deborah Paglione did a hands-on workshop for employees of Stark 6. Stark on December 7th. GM gives a hearty thank you to Deborah. Susanna, and Tom. The Most Successful Yet... Our most successful Hyatt Sale, the joining of the forces of the GSWS and the Eden Institute Foundation, Inc., was our 7th annual sale at the Princeton Hyatt. bringing in total revenue of over $27,000. for the one day sale! Margo Froehlich did an OUTSTANDING job Itreat.Sale organizing this event and we are all gratefully indebted to her. Publicity coverage was excellent, the show and the setting elegant and beautiful, as usual. We look forward to this summer's sale! Mrs. & Mr. Thomas Wikzerski Membership News Associate SUSANNA ANASTASM and THE. BEST OF WATERCOLOR one-woman show in the Medical painting "Swapping Gossip" was PAINTING-COMPOSMON. Center at Princeton Nov 19-Jan.20, and so we come to YOU? Own included in the National Juried Fine ED BAUMLIN had a one-man show with an Opening Reception Nov. Arts Exhibition held at the Open at the Musconetcong Gallery at Alba 19th. personal art notes. I've never Space Gallery Allentown, PA and was Vineyard in Milford, NJ August Associate MARGUERITE I X)ERNBACH disappointed; when it comes awarded an Honorable Mention at through September. exhibited fifty tiny watercolors at the time to open the (really big the Monmouth Arts Gallery Henry & LINDA BEAZLEY (presently in New Jersey State Museum. They manila) envelope(s), the news Elsie Luhrs Endowment Art Show, Toronto, Canada) had three paintings were done in the Washington's pours out, as do some old Little Silver, NJ. "The Thirsty Cow" accepted in the Humber Valley Art Crossing Park NJ. Two of her programs from which I add received an Award of Excellence at Club Annual Juried Show in April. paintings went into the Museum's names. Old millennium. new the NJWCS Associates Show at the winning Honorable Mention. In July Permanent Collection, a watercolor millennium--no difference—you Paper Mill Playhouse. Susanna was she was invited to join the Toronto selected by Zoltan Buki, and a small honored by invitation from New Watercolor Society, and was accepted oil selected by Alison Weld. all are really busy and creative Jersey's Division of Aging to be the into their Annual Juried Show, BERNICE FATTO will have her people. But do take the time to watercolor demonstrator at the Aquavision '99, Oct. 24-Nov. 6. Linda miniature watercolors in the group "set a while" with a cup of tea. statewide 33rd Annual Senior had 7 paintings in the International miniature art show at the or a glass qf vino, and read Exhibit & Award Ceremony 9/23/99. Miniature Show at the Paper Mill, Hillsborough Public Library during what your artist friends are Associate LINDA ARNOLD won winning an Award of Merit. She also the month of February: The show doing. First, Pro-under-glass at Raritan had a painting accepted into the also includes the miniatures of Valley Art Association's Winter Etobicoke Autumn Juried Art Show in GSWS members JANET SINGLEY Members Show Decjan '99/00 and October in western Tbronto. LUCY GRAVES MCVICKER, and Honorable Mention in the juried MARGE CHAVOOSHIAN won the DIANA WILKOC PATTON. "Watercolor LBI" at the Jane Law "Moshe Bahire Award" in the JUDI GILDEN had a painting Gallery this summer. She had a one- Ridgewood Art Institute Regional included in the Staten Island woman show at the Morristown Show in the Barn Galleries, Jan '99, Watercolor Society Exhibit at the Memorial Hospital Gallery and had the 'Jeffrey Childs Willis Memorial Staten Island Cable Television both her works accepted into the Award" at the New World Art Center in Gallery S.I., NY She won an Award of NJWCS hided Associates Show SoHo, Feb '99, the Mercer County Merit at GalleryONEMain in High JOANNE AUGUSTINE was Cultural & Heritage Comm. Purchase Bridge. Her work was accepted into accepted into the Philadelphia Award in the Mercer County Artists-99 several juried shows, including two Watercolor Club's 99th International Show and the "Thomas Moran in the NJWCS Associates Show at the Anniversary Juried Exhibition of Memorial Award" at the Salmagundi Paper Mill; the AAPL-NJ at the Works on Paper at the Whodmere Club Juried Show Marge had a solo Barron Arts Center in Woodbridge; Art Museum in Philadelphia. Her show in the Magnolia Room, the and the 103rd Annual Open piece was in the juried NJWCS Show Chalfonte Hotel, Cape May in July She Exhibition of the Catharine Lorillard in the autumn; she was in a two- demonstrated for the Hunterdon Wolfe Art Club at the National Arts person show in the Highland Gallery County Watercolor Society and her Club in NY City at the Forstgate Country Club in work was in the juried NJWCS Open Associate CONNIE GRAY exhibited Jamesburg, NJ Noy/Dec. Joanne's Annual as well as the juried Art Center at La Dolce Vita Restaurant in work is included in THE BEST OF of New Jersey Show-Johnson & Martinsville this summer, had works FLOWER PAINTING, published by Johnson. in the Johnson & Johnson Show and Northlight and two Rockport ELZA DIMA won Best in Show at a group show in the 1860 House this 6 publications, THE BEST OF the Raritan Valley Art Association's fall, and in April will have a solo WATERCOLOR PAINTING-TEXTURE. Spring Members Show and had a continued on page 10 Meet Marguerite Breen... Ode to a Marguerite Breen, Membership Chair of the Garden State Watercolor Society for the past five years, now assumes a new position as the Volunteer cord d Workshop Chair, She is replaced by Sandy Mezinis. Marguerite is lou ask. "Who II serve these privileged few hopeful that the GSWS can host several watercolor workshops in this And work for all they're u'orth.'' millennium year. Why. all those who reaped the benefits Married and the mother of an eight year old daughter, Marguerite is And not once roholteered on Earth. a very active participant in Pennington's Toll Gate Grammar School, (source unknouw) having instituted a "Meet the Masters" art program that runs every- Maru'ell Aimeck spring for the children. Marguerite holds a BA in English from St. Marguerite Breen Irene Bornheimer Marilyn Pugach Mary's College. South Bend. Indiana and is currently completely her fiances Mcgrain M.F.A. at the College of New Jersey. Thomas Rutledge and Nancy V. Alm... A:Urfa-Fa-5 Rosemary Hutchins Ruth Kaufman `Art has always been a part of my life. I remember, as a child. crudely Dallas Piotrowski drawing flowers on my mother's dishtowels and walking a long distance to Sea* .1.1e:inis draw a lone pine tree I thought was beautiful. That love and desire has Gloria Mend never left. Susan Ewart and all those who helped with the Mainly self-taught. I graduated from the DuCret School of the Arts as the Hyatt Show. Student of the Year. I have exhibited in shows in New Jersey and am a Please call Tom Rutledge. (09,296-0334, member of the American Colored Pencil Society. Suburban Artist Guild, if ou are able to iplunteer on a regular or and the 1860 House, as well as the Garden State Watercolor Society My occasional basis. paintings are in public and private collections here and in Scandinavia. I paint with a variety of mediums including oils and pastels. Currently I am working primarily in watercolors and colored pencil." Nancy V. Aim (Nancy is the Data Base Administrator for GSWS) ...and Bernice Kisaday Fatto The paintings of Bernice Fatto. a graduate of Pratt Institute. a member of Watercolorsists Unlimited and the Recording Secretary of GSWS. have been accepted and won prestigious awards at juried exhibitions of the Garden State Watercolor Society the New Jersey Water Color Society the AWL the Hunterdon Art Museum, the Piscataway Arts Council. the South Somerset Guild of Creative Arts. the Raritan Valley Art, and the Princeton Art Association. Bernice's past experience includes Director of the Art Department of lmmaculata High School, classes for the Aatchung Hills Enrichment Program, and illustrator and newsletter art editor of the NJ :Mycological Association. Her work is included in the permanent collection of Pratt Institute, N.Y., and corporate, public, and private collections in the U.S.A., the United Kingdom, and Canada. Her paintings depict scenes of her native NJ as well as scenes of summers spent in New England. the Southeast, and more recently, the Midwest. "The way that light falls on a subject moves me to paint. I try to capture the drama of that light, shape, and color. It is my world to which I invite the viewer." Inspiration Please Note... by member Thomas C. Wilczewski Did you see a circle with "FYI" on your mailing label? Ohhhh, my! This then, from Marguerite Breen.... from his book 'A friendly reminder from your Membership Chair...If an FYI appeared on your mailing label. you have not POETRY IN WATERCOLOR. paid your annual dues for the year 2000 as of the printing of this Newsletter. Your name will not he included in our annual GSWS Membership book due out in late February, nor will you receive a June Newsletter. Please Artistic inspiration remit $25. dues to our treasurer: Betty Umberger, 7 Wilburtha Road, Ewing, NJ, 08628. Any questions should comes at all times be directed to Marguerite Breen 690/737-1640." A night scene during the day. A sunrise at night, A seascape in the park at play, A floral while flying a kite. Local Exhibit Opportunities These images visit some and stay with others, The Washington Township Arts Council is holding Spring Festival of the Arts, Sunday, May 7th is an the cynic will disagree its Second Annual Juried Art Exhibit; awards will be outdoor exhibition opportunity. Please contact the but the inspired are meant to be presented. The show will run April 1 to June 3. Please Roxbury. Arts Alliance, P.O. Box 327. Ledgewood. NJ. touched with ecstasy. call Deborah Paglione, Artistic Director, for a 07852, or Ann at 973/252-2417 or Linda at 973/927- prospectus at 609/259-3502 or e-mail 9061 The entry fee is $20. for 10 feet of space. wwwdpaglione@ SlowArt Productions presents the 7th Annual New The Fleet Bank of Rocky Hill in Montgomery Art Showcase group exhibit, Sept. 13-20, at the Township is offering space to artists for an outdoor Limner Gallery, 870 Ave. of the Americas, NYC. The show on their grounds June 4th. All monies brought exhibit is devoted to the introduction of new and in from space allotment will go to the organization emerging art and will feature multiple works by "Depression after Delivery" (no commission from accepted artists. A grand prize of $1,000. will be the artists). For more information call Donna Como awarded. Deadline April 30. Contact Limner Gallery, at 908/541-9712 or 732/422-9024 or e-mail New Art Showcase, 870 Ave. of the Americas, NY, NY www.hehavenet. co m/dadi nc. 10001, with SASE. E-mail [email protected]. More on Dagmar 41-'N `Dagmar, We have just a hit more on Dagmar Tribble, A.WS., who was the founder of the Garden State Watercolor Society, and our President the GSWS Angel from 1970--1989. Did you know that Dagmar was also influential during the early days of New Jersey's Essex Watercolor Club? Most of Durum you were the Best! you know of the Essex, a fine organization to which one also must }bu bad higher ethics than be juried into. all the rest. From GSWS Historian Marge Chavooshian comes an article from To help the painters that begin. 1977, about one of Dagmar's one-woman shows (this one at the Is not an arty art dub sin- Present Day Club in Princeton). Extracting from this (cid:9) "Mrs. Tribble has taught watercolor painting for many years, and she has made Quite the opposite Id say-- this exhibition a lesson of sorts. She has included pages from her "Help artists here in Evert' Way". sketchbook so that it is possible to follow the progress of her work Dagmar. you bare shaped the art world. from preliminary pencil sketches with color notes, to detailed pencil Ire beard you talking in such kind words. drawings, to small watercolor sketches, to the finished With empathy and heart of gold. paintings (cid:9) The assurance with which the paintings are done proves My memories can still be told. the value of careful and thorough preliminary work (cid:9) The paintings In angelform .rou fly around were done during a summer visit to Taos, New Mexico, long before To see what:s. happening on the ground.. the tourists discovered it. Most evoke the sun and heat of the desert;" at And finally, we have an original poem by Full Member Sylvia Maria God bless you. Dagmar dear-- Glesmann, written this past October. Sylvia helped Dagmar with I still often shed a tear" 8 many a juried show a good friend. Looking Ahead from The To the FULL MEMBERS SHOW(cid:9) you've probably received your prospectus for the show at Capital Health System at Mercer, with receiving March 11, the reception March 18. and pick up April 29. You may call First Art Museum - Vice-President Deborah Paglione at 609/259-3502 for further information. To the Princeton HYATT show(cid:9) which will be in mid-July: Details in our next Newsletter. Princeton To the 31st Annual JURIED SHOW which will be at the Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital at Hamilton 10/2-12/8, with delivery 9/16 and the reception 10/7. University To the Stark & Stark ASSOCIATES SHOW whose late autumn dates will be announced in the next Newsletter. which is located in the middle of Workshops and Classes the campus (Picasso's large sculpture "Head of a Woman" stands in front)....the Full Member JOANNE AUGUSTINE teaches two wanted a teacher for adult watercolor class for permanent collections-range classes a week in her studio in Princeton. Please 2 1/2-3 hours at 6:00 or 8:00 pm. Contact Susan ancient to contemporary call her at 609/924-2345 for further information. Davis at 732/297-7800, ext.273. • art and concentrate Full Member MARGE CI-IAVOOSHIAN will do Barbara Nechis AWS has workshops in several geographically on the workshops at the Chalfonte Hotel in Cape May Juiy locations in the USA. as well as ItaIrV•Mexico, and Mediterranean regions, Western 9 to 14 and Sept. 22. 23. and 24: please call Norway. A full list may be had by contacting Barbara Europe, China, the U.S A., and 609 884-8409. For information on Marge. s at 1085 Dunaweal Lane, Calistoga, CA 94515, or Latin America. One of their great workshops at the Long Beach Island Arts 707/942-5052. strengths is their collection of Chinese art--bronzes. tomb Foundation in Loveladies. NJ. July 24 and 25 and Flying Colors Workshops has such artists as figures. calligraphy, and also again Aug. 28 and 29 please call 609/494-1241. Louise Cadillac, Linda Doll, Barbara Nechis. Frank pre-Columbian art. especially Full Member ROBERTA CARTER CLARK AWS has the art of the Maya. Special several workshops upcoming. including March 20- exhibits on now or shortly, 25 Watercolor Portraits for the Hilton Leech Studio VOLMITEEll NEEDED include "Transfer", Large in Sarasota. FLA. Contact Jackie Cory at 941/924- Format Prints of the 1960s and 5770. July 2-7 Faces and Figures Workshop in Wanted (cid:9) someone to volunteer to 1970s, through April 2; Pacific Grove, CA.; contact Pam Della, 925/228- put up a GSWS Web Page on the Contemporary Art by African- 9035. Aug. 8-10 Faces and Figures Watercolor Internet. If you have the expertise or American Artists, through March Workshop for the Pine Shores Art Association, know of anyone who would donate 5: Photographs by Barbara Manahawkin, NJ. Phone 609/597-3557. Sept. 2629 i their time, please call Elizabeth Bosworth, March 14-June 11; Roedell. 732/329-8232. Faces & Figures Watercolor for the PA Watercolor and Window into Collecting American Folk Art- the Edward Society in Harrisburg. Phone 717/564-4899. Nov. Duff Balken Collection at 13,14,15 and Nov.18 & 19. workshops for the Princeton April 15-June I I. The Arizona Watercolor Association. Contact Gail Webb. etc. at workshops in Mexico, France. Greece. museum is open to the public Wilkinson(cid:9) 480/563-0767(cid:9) or (cid:9) e-mail Italy, Ireland, and the Czech Republic. Please without charge. For further wwwWilkytroon(kaoLcom. Roberta_c4m he reached contact them for brochures at Flying Colors. PMB information, please call at 732/924-6141. #332. 11956 Bernardo Plaza Dr., Rancho 609/258-3788. Full Member LUCY GRAVES MCVICKER teaches in Bernardo, CA 92128 or e-mail flcolors(ii, her studio in Skillman, and also occasionally for the The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts has 1860 House, Montgomery Arts Council. For fellowships for 18 NJ artists, writers, composers, information, please call Lucy at 609/924-2660. video & performance artists. For the fail of 2000 the Workshops & classes are offered by the 1860 deadline is May 15. Please call between 9-5 House, Skillman-609/921-3272, the 804/946-7236, or visit their website at Montclair Art Museum 973/746-5555, ext. 239, You can also send #10 SASE to the Somerset Art Association at 908/234-2345; Jane Laws VCCA, Mt. San Angelo, Sweet Briar, VA 24595. Long Beach Island Art Studio & Gallery 609/494- Full Member ROBERTA CARTER CLARK AWS has 4232; and the Guild of Creative Art in Shrewsbury at two videos available--"Prelude to Portraits" 65 732/741-1441, http:tAmwredbankcom/guild minutes with the basics of drawing the head, The positions may be filled by now, but West proportions, and features. $25. + $3.shipping. and Windsor Sr Citizen Center is looking for teachers for "A Portrait in Watercolor" 81 min. of a start-to- adult watercolor one day a week or for a 4/5 day finish portrait of a woman, 9;30.+$3.shipping. workshop. Contact GSWS Associate Member Jackie Roberta's at 47B Cheshire Square, Little Silver, NJ 9 Wowenherg at 609/716-6233. South Brunswick HS 07739, e-mail ROBERTACCL(aol.coma Membership News cont'cL (This came in after M. News show for the month, as a member of Art Center Annual Show Willingboro Blackwells Mill Canal House, as placed by printer, but it can't wait!) the Professional Artists goup, in one Art Alliance Annual (Special Merit part of Watercolorists Unlimited. of the galleries at the 1860 House. Award), Center for the Arts in She will have a one- woman show BETTY STROPPEL not only will NESSA GRAINGER was in a four- Southern New Jersey Annual at the Medical Center at Princeton have a painting in the 2000 person show "A Tribute to the Life of Photography Show, and the GSWS July 1-31. Annual AWS exhibit, but she was Rita (cid:9) Nathans"(cid:9) with(cid:9) her Associate Show at Stark & Stark (First Associate LINDA TAFFE was also elected to active membership. watermedia'collage works at the Place). accepted . in(cid:9) GSWS(cid:9) 30th Congratulations, Betty! Betty also Nathans Art Gallery in Patterson, NJ, JOAN MCKINNEY won First ,Anniversary Juried Show. She had received Best in Show in the Sept.14--Oct. 23 with the Artists Professional Award-Buildings in the a one-woman show of her Millburn-Short hills juried show at Reception Sept. 26. juried Tewksbury Historical Society watercolors at the Chester Public the Paper Mill, the Sandra Sawin ELSA HERRMANN won Best in Show in Oldwick. She demonstrated Library in Chester for January Memorial Award in the 100111 Show at Raritan Valley Arts for the Roxbury Art Association in 2000. Anniversary Show of the Association Winter Members Show; January: DORIS TERRIS pins had her Philadelphia Watercolor Society. Second in their Spring Members CHARLES MCV1CKER was awarded work accepted into the and the Pauline Wick Show, Third in Somerset Art the Patrons' Award for Painting of Pennsylvania Watercolor annual Award in NJ-AAPL. Association's Members Show, the $1,000. for "Beauty and the Beast" at national juried show at the Joan Day Memorial Award in the the 70th Annual Juried Phillips' Mill Lancaster Museum of Art. Doris Juried Tewksbury Show and the Art Exhibition. illustrated the cover of "The Ride "People's Choice Award" at Associate SANDY MEZINIS had a to Pleasant Grove", published by CiallervONEMain's Fall Show in High one--woman show at the Metuchen D.II. Moreau BookS. She won Bridge. Elsa also had work in the Public Library. AAPL-NJ Merit Award at the Ocean juried International Miniature Art SANDRA NUSBLATT had a County Artists Guild and the Exhibit at the Paper Mill. watercolor show at the Nassau Club in Andrea Morrison Award for Best in Associate BETH KANTOR was Princeton Sept.5-Oct.17, with a Show' at the Hunterdon Watercolor recently juried into Full Membership reception Sept. 15th. Society's Members Show: She also in the Essex Watercolor Club. DEBORAH PAGLIONE was elected had work juried into the ED KOJOIA won an "Award of First Vice-president and Artistic Hunterdon Art Center's "Artist Excellence" for his watercolor Director of the Washington Township Looks at Hunterdon" and the painting "A Bunch of Good Old Arts Council. She also did Perkins Center for the Arts. Skates" at the 1999 New' ersey Water demonstrations and workshops for JAMES TOOGOOD. A.W.S. is the Color Society Associate Members the GSWS at both juried shows and subject of a feature article in Juried Show at the Paper Mill was on Newsmakers CN8. Her AMERICAN ARTIST WATERCOLOR Playhouse. lie won a Recognition watercolors and photographs will be Winter 2000, "Watercolor as a Award for "Time Worn" at the Guild used for three books for publication Personal Language" by Stephen of Creative Ares 7th Annual Open for a communications company. Doherty. Additionally James has State pried Show; judged by LUNA WILKOC PATTON exhibited participated(cid:9) in(cid:9) exhibitions Ferdinand Petrie. and demonstrated at two "Art Nights" throughout the country in 1999, HARRIET KAFTANIC had a one- at La Dolce Vita, in Martinsville. Her such as the Butler Institute of woman exhibit of watercolors at the work was at the Johnson & Johnson American Art in Youngstown. Medical Center at Princeton July Show (through the 1860 House). Ohio, the National Academy- Kith-Sept 16th with Opening juried into the 70th Annual Fall Museum and School of Fine Arlin Reception July 16th. Exhibition at Phillips' Mill, Tewksbury New York City the Woodmere Art MARY GREEN LAFORGE, one of Historical Society Show, and St. Johns Museum in Philadelphia, the GSWS's former Presidents, now on the Mountain. She will have a solo Baltimore Watercolor Society, the living in Connecticut, writes that she show in one of the 1860 House's Pennsylvania Watercolor Society, is teaching oil and watercolor galleries for the month of April, as a the New Jersey Water Color Society, classes, is selling well and winning member of the Professional Artists and the Adirondacks Exhibition of And there you have it, all YOUR awards, and studying still with Group. American Watercolors, and has Charles Reid. She also painted in ELIZABETH ROEI)ELL was juried been the recipient of several news from A to U....Whew! Keep England and in Bermuda this year. into the following shows: AAPL at the awards in these exhibitions. those cards and letters coming. Associate BARBARA MARCH was Baron Arts Center in Woodbridge; A one-woman show was May 15th is the next deadline. juried into the following shows: Phillips Mill, Solebury; PA; Johnson & exhibited(cid:9) by(cid:9) ELIZABETH but you know the drill—write Camden County Cultural & Heritage Johnson; and the GSWS 30th UMBURGER last summer at the any time and stuff my Commission Annual Watercolor Anniversary Show In November Ewing Branch of the Mercer enrelope(s). Paint away: enjoy Exhibition, Perkins Center for the Elizabeth's work was in the Upstairs County library system in Ewing. A the seasons--snow or no-snow. Arts Annual Watercolor Show Cape Gallery of the 1860 House (two- variety of subjects was shown May County Art League Annual person show). In April she will have including florals, landscapes, (Honorable Mention). Burlington a show at the Hillsborough Public lighthouses, and well-known 10 County Cultural & Heritage Library; on April 8th and 9th, buildings. The show ran July 30-- Commission Annual Show, Markeim Elizabeth will have work at the August 31