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® THE UNKNOWN REOIONS RODNEY THOMPSON, STERLING HERSHEY, DANIEL WALLACE Rodney Thompson, Sterli ng Hershey, DESIC3NERS Daniel Wal lace ~P_R_O_D_U__CT_I_O_N_M_A_N_A_C_3 E_R_ _- -,l Cynda Callaway Jonathan Steven s, Patrick Stutzman, [ ADDITIONAL. DESIC3N Robert Wieland [ C3RAPHIC DESIC3NERS 1 Jino Choi, Breanne Miller ~------------------------~ [ DEVEL.OPER Rodney Thompson [ PRE-PRESS MANAC3ER 1 Jefferson Dunlap ~------------------------~ ART DIRECTOR Pau l Hebron CS3PREACPIAHLIC.I SPTR ODUCTION Christopher Tardiff Ray Val lese, Bradley Wi ll ,--C_ O_V_ E_R_ A_ R_T_ I S_ T_ ______- -'l Gonzalo Flores n II [ L.UCAS L.ICENSINC3 EDITOR 1. Frank Parisi KMaiglmueanl CAonimdrbarsao, fMszickhya, eDlr eDwu bBisackhe, r,G Joenffzraelyo CFalorlrisesle, , (II [ INTERI OR ARTISTS Jason Juta, Robert Lazzaretti, Corey D, Macourek, o Ramon Perez, Brian Snoddy, Francis Tsai, Franz ~ Ul [ M A NAC3INC3 EDITOR 1 Torah Cottrill Vohwinkel, Rebecca A, Wrig ley [ DIRECTOR OF RPC3 R&D 1 Bill Siavicsek [,-I_ M_ A_ C3_I_N_ C_3 _T_ E_ C_H_ N_I_C_ I_A_ N ___~ l Ashley Brock, Carmen Cheung [ SPECIAL. THANKS ) Leland Chee Some rules mechanics are based on the Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Ed i tion Core Rulebook by Christophe r Perkins, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Rodney Thompson, the original Dungeons &- Dragons® rules crea ted by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the 3'" Edition Dungeons &- Dragons game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter Adkison. This Wizards of the Coast ~ game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of th is work may be reproduced in any form withou t written permission . u.s., Canada, Asia. GREAT BRITAIN EUROPE Pacific. & Latin America Hasbro UK ltd Wizards 01 the Coast. Belgium Wizards of the Coast LLC Caswell Way Industialaanl P,O. Box 707 Newport. Gwent NP9 OYH 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden Renton. WA 98057·0707 GREAT BRITAIN Belgium WWWWI2ARDS.cOM WWW.5TARWARS.cOM Questions? 1-800-324-6496 Please keep this address for your records +32070233277 ISBN: 978-0-7869-5399-8 620 -25096000-00 I-EN 987654321 First Printing: March 2010 © 20 10 LUCASflLM LTD. & ® OR '" WHERE INDICATED. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. USED UNDER AUTHORIZATION. Dungeons & Dragons. d20 System. Wizards of the Coast, and their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in the U.s,A. and other countries. This material is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the express written permission at Wizards of the Coast LLC. This product is a work of fiction, Any similarity to actual people. organ izations, places. or events is pure ly coinc idental. Printed in the U.s,A, CONTENTS I [ INTRODUCTION 4 CHAPTER III: EXPLORATION Special Effects ........... .1 00 CHAPTER VI: DEEP SPACE II CAMPAIONS 66 Hazard Statistics Block . ... . 101 [ ENCOUNTERS. 190 Sample Hazards ..... . . . . . ... 101 CHAPTER I: CHARACTER Campaign Outline : Poor Aquatic Hazards .. . ... . .. . .1 04 Mini-Adventure #1: l OPTIONS. . . .. e Wayfaring Strangers .. ..... 68 Arctic Hazards ... . ... .. .. .1 05 Guilty Until Proven Anzati . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . 10 Act I: One-Way Ticket .... .. . 68 Arid/Desert Hazards .. . .. . . 107 Innocent. ............... 192 Chadra-Fan ...... . .. . ... . ... 11 Act II: The Search for a Cure . . 69 Forest/Jungle Hazards .. ... . 110 Encounter: Shootout at Lunaara Act III : A Long Shot . ... . .. . . 69 Square ... .. .... .. .. .. .. 194 Ishi Tib ........ ... • .. •...... 12 Indoor/Urban Hazards ...... 112 Krevaaki ................ . ... 12 Campaign Outline: The Search Space Hazards ... . ........ 114 Mini-Adventure #2: Nikto ... . .. . ..... . ...... . .. . 13 For Endelaan ............. 70 Subterranean Hazards . . ... . 116 Danger in the Dark ....... 196 Shistavanen ... . .. . •..... . ... 14 Act I: The Outer Rim .... . . .. 70 Swamp Hazards . .. .. . . . ... 119 Encounter: Facing the Act II : The Danger of Unknown .. . ..... 198 Sluissi .........•..•..• . . . .. . 14 the Nebula .. . ... ..... .. 71 Mini-Adventure #3: Squib ... . ...•..•..•. . ... .. .. 15 l CHAPTER V: THREATS lZZ Act III : Return of The Finding of Verpine. . ........•..... . ... 16 the Mandalorians . .. .. . .. 72 Chiss . . ...... . . . . .. .. . ..... 124 Lost Souls . . .... . ..... . . 200 Near-Humans .........•...... 17 FHPFeoreearcsotsetii cg-. Ue.C s.lCia.nsl.gas.s e.sTs. r T.a.a.dl.iet.in.o.t.ns..s .. ......... 3214929 ScSCIoneoudrrtevpinipcoger an OStdeerc gnoSatuc ntSosizu ca.tos.tui o.t.sn. .s.. . ......... 7345 ELMKubilnglriugkucsgbh arai. l-a.M ..n..g...g..a..l.. ...........•............. 1323704 MEnincTAio-eAu Fmndotpveolerl':s n R.tCu.arh.ied.a i.rn#g.g4e. :.t h.e.. ........ .2 024 nIo-Z1il Exploration in Your Campa ign .. 76 Rakata . . .. . ... . ... . ... . ... .1 40 Encounter: Armed -i The Blazing Chain . .......... 32 III Creating New Worlds . . ....... 83 Sorcerers of Rhand . . ... . .... 143 Withdrawal ..... .. ......2 06 Creating Planets .... . .. . .... 83 Ssi-Ruuk ...... . ............ 146 Mini-Adventure #5: CHAPTERI: EXPLORER'S [ EQUIPMENT . . . 34 CrPelaatninegt GNewne Crarteoar tu.r.e.s. ........ .. 894 TVoafgsa .a.ri. .................... . .... 15429 EncPounrstueirn: gS iVeegrei noof s. . ......2 08 Melee Weapons ........ . . ... . 36 the Compound ....... . ... 210 Ranged Weapons. . ........ 37 Il CHAPTER IV: HAZARDS. 94 l CHAPTERVI: PLANETS 156 Mini-Adventure #6: Equipment. . . .... . .. . . .40 Imminent Impact. .... . . . . 212 Hazard Basics .. . .. .. ..... . ... 96 244Core . .. ... . .. .. . . . . . . .. 158 Droids ..................... .43 Encounter: Contract Designing New Hazards . . . . ... 96 Altiria/Anarris . ... . ........ . 162 AS23 Aerial Survey Droid .... 43 Enforcement ....... . .... 214 Challenge Levels .... . .. . .... 97 Durace .. . .. . ............ 166 DSH-3 Probe Dro id ...... . .. 43 Mini-Adventure #7: Keywords ............ . ..... 97 Giaca ................. •. ... 170 F1 Exploration Droid . .. .... .44 Triggers ............. . . .... 98 101. ................•.. •.... 174 Rogue Seven Is Down ..... 216 MULE Droid ......... . .. . .. .45 Area .................... . . 99 O'reen ....... . ....... . ..... 178 Encounter: The Nest ..... . ... 218 Wanderer Scout Attacks and Damage ... . .. .. 99 Veroleem ..... . .. . . . . . . ..... 182 Mini-Adventure #8: Surveyor Droid ...... .. . .46 The Mask of Recurrence ........... . .. .1 00 Volik ........ . .. . ..... . .... 186 WED-20 Treadwell ... ... .. . . 47 Skill Difficulty Class . ....... 100 Reyko ...... . .. . .. ........ 188 Darth Nihilus ............2 20 Vehicles ........... . .. . .. .. . .47 Wind Skiffs . . ... . ...... .. .1 88 Encounter: Hidden Cove . . .... 222 Starships ........... .. . ...... 51 Animal Mounts ....... ... .. .. 59 Animal Com anions ... ... .... 64 THE UNKNOWN WHAT You NEED TO PLAY REGIONS As with any Star Wars game supplement, you need the Saga Edition co re ru lebook to make fu ll use of the material in this volume. This book Galactic citizens know little abou t the stra nge worlds and isolated civ iliza- also uses material from other supp lements, inc luding the Knights afthe tions beyond the rea ch of the official galactic government of their time. Even Old Republic Campaign Guide and the Legacy Era Campaign Guide, but the frontier worlds on the edges of known space know litt le of the nearby these supplements are not essentia l in order to run a campaign in the systems of the Unknown Regions. These areas are regarded as isolated and Un known Regions. Visit the official Star Wars Roleplaying Game website dangero us, and only the desperate, brave, or foolhard y venture into them on at www.w izards.com/starwars for the latest updates and official errata. a regular basis. However, over the course of galact ic history, new polit ical entities and armed invaders emerge from the Unknown Regions to threaten isolated worlds or even the greater galactic government of the time. Some of these events, such as the one invo lving the Ssi-ruuk at Bakura, have a and isolated remnants of the Infinite Empire of the Rakata than in any other political impact far beyond the scope of a local conflict. era. Scouting exped itions are regula rly commissioned by the Republi c and The mysterious Unknown Regions provide great opportunities for th ose by companies-such as the Czerka Corporation-in search of worlds rich in willing to accept substantia l risks and dangers. Every year, scouts and explor- raw materia ls. The need for hyperspace rou te mapping is greatest in this era. ers painstakingly map new hyperspace routes and ca talog new star systems. z .; Some go in search of valuable natural resources or new civilizations to trade THE REPUBLIC AND D with. Colonists ente r hoping to establish new homeworlds far from the reach THE CLONE WARS o o of t he galactic government. Criminals go in sea rch of secret hyperspace routes In this era, the major worlds of th e Republ ic an d of the future Empire have c n to hidden strongholds, tak ing substa nti al risks to loca te those routes. Even been located. Isolated unknown reg ions remain with in civi lized space, but .; influential corporate enti ti es occasiona lly use the unregulated regions for few hold any real surprises. Scout services mainly probe the outer boundaries o z their own purposes. of the Republic until the start of the Clone Wars, when they focus on the Official scouting expeditions are regularly commissioned, although their war effort. However, exploration occurs even during the wa r, because both scale and level of support vary greatly by era and government. Most galactic the Separatists and the Republ ic sea rch for new staging areas and keep a governments have official scouting agen cies, as do regional and corporate watchful eye out for the other's hidden bases. The doomed Outbound Flight authorities. The Republic's Outbound Flight expedition is a well-known project is co mmiss ioned in this era. example of a large-scale, officially sanctioned expedition that proves to be a comp lete fa ilu re. Less well known, but of greater ga lactic impact, is the THE EMPIRE Emperor's decree that Grand Admiral Thrawn establish an Empire of the Imperial scouts efficiently map large portions of the galaxy, ca taloging and Handto extend Imperial control into a region known as Wi ld Space. verifying t he existence of a vast array of star systems in order to consolidate Imperial control and exploit new resources. Remaining pockets of unexplored EXPLORATION BY E RA space within the bounds of t he Emp ire are scouted and officially mapped. Most of the themes and material in this vo lume can be used in any Star Wars These scou ts also serve as Imperi al sp ies and observers, always on the look- era. Although some starships, some technology, and the history of specific out for Rebe ls, il legal act ivit ies, and anything that might threaten Imperial species appear in known Star Wars stori es, Gamemasters are free to adapt power. An Imperial scout sh ip might turn up in any sta r system unannounced. these id eas to the eras in which thei r games takes place. Below are general Corporate explorat ion is much redu ced, even by companies allied direct ly guidelines for material that is appropriate fo r a specific era. with the Empire. Freelance scouting is restricted and discouraged by the government. Under the Emperor's orders, Grand Admiral Thrawn enters the THE OLD REPUBLIC unknown region ca lled Wi ld Space to establish the Empire of the Hand. The As a percentage, the Unknown Regions take up a larger area of the ga laxy Emperor also orders greater exploration of the Deep Core, where he seeks during th is era, since exploration is just begin nin g. Although many of the out isolated worlds for his own purposes. worlds that will be influential in the course of galactic history are already known, many other planets re main isolated or undiscovered for centuries THE NEW REPUBLIC AND to come. Some species that wil be wel known in later eras are unheard- THE OALACTIC ALLIANCE of at this tim e. In this era, the ga lactic disk has large, isolated pockets of After the establishment of the New Republi c, the Unknown Regions become a unknown regions, which rema in unexplored until they draw the attention of greater source of threats to the stability of the ga laxy, including the return of an exploit ive corporation , a governmenta l agency, or another group. In t he Grand Admiral Thrawn and the Killik-instig ated Swarm Wa r. Some explorers Unknown Regions, explorers are more li ke ly to run across Sith settlements f ind new knowledge within the Unknown Regions, including clues to galactic history and lesser-known aspects of the Force. Jacen Solo is rumored to have ORIGINS OF THE UNKNOWN entered the Unknown Reg ions fo r this purpose. The New Republic scout ser- vice is established to identify new threats from the Unknown Regions, and Al t hough much of the info rmation in t his book is presented here for t he the service is continued and expanded by the Ga lactic Alliance. first time, t he material here bu ilds upon sto ri es that ca me before. Most characters, civili za tions, and sto ri es of th e Unknown Regions come f rom THE LEGACY ERA the nove ls, graphic novels, and games of the Expanded Universe, rather With the fall of the Galactic All iance and reestablishment of Imperia l ru le, than f rom the Star Wars movies. Alt hough this book provides th e essent ial organized scout services decline dramatically. Although officially sanctioned information needed to use t hese re lated themes in you r game, the original exploration diminishes, the scouts themselves are in high demand from stori es provide addit ional information and flavor. Among t hese are t he competing military forces, as each strives to locate the other's locations and Heir to the Empire t rilogy, Outbound Flight, Truce at Bakura, The Swarm weaknesses. In particular, scouts with litt le concern about their employer War tril ogy, portions of the New Jedi Order novels, and the Knights of find lucrative work seeking new healing technologies for Darth Krayt and the Old Republic games and com ics. his New Sith Order. Other scouts seek out the Ga lactic All iance f leet and offer their services as spies. and bravery. Unknown Regions routes that exist are not kept up-to-date in the galactic charts, and information about these routes is not widely avail- NEW WORLDS, ab le. Entering the Unknown Reg ions from with in the galactic disk requires -Zl NEW HAZARDS a trip through a chaotic web of hyperspace interference, referred to as the 0]I While traveling the Unknown Reg ions, heroes are likely to face new dangers tang le. The irregularly shaped tangle extends many light years into the 0 c: from never-before-seen species, creatures, and space and environmenta l western region of the galactic disk. Common modifiers to hyperspace navi- 0 hazards. Throughout this book, Gamemasters can find numerous tools for gation in the Unknown Regions are shown in Table 1-1: Common Unknown -l 6 creating new worlds, creatures, and civilizations. Suggestions for creating Regions Astrogation DC Modifiers. Once within the Unknown Regions, some z near-Human variants can be found on page 17. Expanded creature-creation astrogation data might be obtained from local spacefaring sources, but this guidelines, including a variety of creature abilities, begin on page 89. A new information is are normally of limited quality and scope. planet-creation system and iconic planet-creation advice is presented in c::(] I Chapter 3, "Exploration Campaigns." A variety of planetary and space-based Mapping the Unknown Regions g hazards, ready-made for immediate play, can be found in Chapter 4, "Haz- Scouts mapping their own forays into the Unknown Regions must spend (ji) ards." Additiona lly, eight new wo rlds are presented in deta il in Chapter 6, time and effort to accumulate accurate navigation and environmental data. ~ "Planets," each with a mini-adventure of its own in Chapter 7, "Deep Space A simple hyperspace jump log contains useful data for future jumps, but a ~ Encounters." Gamemasters can also use these systems to modify existing true cha rting expedition requires the recording of as much sensor data as ~ worlds and creatures for use outside the Unknown Regions. possible during a jump. Prior to making a hyperspace jump, the mapper must @~ make a single DC 20 Use Computer check to initiate sensor sweeps before, ~ HYPERSPACE NAVIGATION during, and after the flight. Mapping adds 1d4 hours to the hyperspace flight ~ CHAL.L.ENGES and requ ires 30 minutes' worth of scanning before and after the jump for l]) Few hyperspace routes have been charted in the Unknown Reg ions, so travel- verification purposes. After a route has been mapped, it can be transmitted (ji) ing through hyperspace into and with in the Unknown Regions requires sk ill by data pad to another navigation system. ® @ TABL.E 1-1: COMMON UNKNOWN REGIONS ~[lj) ASTROGATION DC MODIFIERS --------- SITUATION DC OR MODIFIER TIME OR MODIFIER No astrogation data avai lab le DC 30 1 hour to make Use Computer check Locally obtained astrogation data DC 20 or 25' 1 minute to make Use Computer check No HoloNet access -5 Traversing the tangle +15 +1 hour to make Use Computer check, +1 dlO days of flight time • Dependent on age of data (see page 12 of Starships of the Galaxy).

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