Contents Vol. 37, 2004 No. 1 Self-Centrality, Basic Symptoms Model and Psychopathology in Schizophrenia Maggini, C.; Raballo, A. (Parma) Overview Kleptomania: Comorbid Psychiatric Diagnosis in Patients Overview of Neuropathological Theories of Schizophrenia: and Their Families From Degeneration to Progressive Developmental Disorder Dannon, P.N.; Lowengrub, K.M.; lancu, I.; Kotler, M. (Rehovot) de Haan, L. (Amsterdam); Bakker, J.M. (Maastricht) Are Depressive Persons Capable of Describing Changes in Their Reactions without Being Able to Explain Them? Original Papers A Proof of a Cybernetic Hypothesis of Depression Leibetseder, M. (Salzburg); Kamolz, T. (Zell am See) Neurocognitive Models of Schizophrenia: internalizing and Externalizing Conditions in Adolescent A Neurophenomenological Critique Anorexia Gallagher, S. (Orlando, Fla.) Muratori, F.; Viglione, V.; Maestro, S.; Picchi, L. (Pisa) Subjective Experience of Schizotropic Vulnerability in Siblings The Natural Course of Schizophrenia and Psychopathological of Schizophrenics Predictors of Outcome. A Community-Based Cohort Study Maggini, C.; Raballo, A. (Parma) Di Michele, V.; Bolino, F. (Pescara) Psychopathological Description of Hyperventilation-Induced Panic Attacks: A Comparison with Spontaneous Panic Attacks Case Reports Nardi, A.E.; Lopes, F.L.; Valenga, A.M.; Nascimento, I.; Mezzasalma, M.A..; Zin, W.A. (Rio de Janeiro) Pathological Laughter as an Obsessive-Compulsive Life Events and Psychopathology in a Group of Suicide Phenomenon Attempters Mendhekar, D.N. (New Delhi) Osvath, P.; VGrds, V.; Fekete, S. (Pécs) Being a Webcam Which Types of Aggressive Behaviour Are Associated Schmid-Siegel, B.; Stompe, T. (Vienna); Ortwein-Swoboda, G. (Gdllersdorf) with Suicidal and Self-Injurious Behaviour at the Time of Admission? Grube, M. (Frankfurt a. M.) No. 3 Commentary Original Papers Comments on Shaun Gallagher: ‘Neurocognitive Models of Schizophrenia: A Neurophenomenological Critique’ Asperger Syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Frith, C. (London) and Major Depression in a Patient with 45,X/46,XY Mosaicism Fontenelle, L.F.; Mendlowicz, M.V.; Bezerra de Menezes, G.; Letter to the Editor dos Santos Martins, R.R.; Versiani, M. (Rio de Janeiro) Classification of Functional Psychoses and Its Implication The Psychodynamics of Grief Hallucinations - for Prognosis: Comparison between ICD-10 and DSM-IV A Psychopathological Phenomenon of Normal and Jager, M.; Bottlender, R.; Strauss, A.; Moller, H.-J. (Munich) Pathological Grief Deficit of Executive Functions in Schizophrenia: Relationship Kersting, A. (Miinster) to Neurological Soft Signs and Psychopathology Bersani, G.; Clemente, R.; Gherardelli, S.; Pancheri, P. (Rome) Endogenous, Reactive and Neurotic Depression — Diagnostic No. 2 Stability and Long-Term Outcome Kessing, L.V. (Copenhagen) Original Papers The Latent Structure of Wallerstein’s Scales of Psychological Capacities Dimension of Typus melancholicus on Kasahara’s Inventory Sundin, E.C. (Umea) for the Melancholic Type Personality Magical Ideation - Defense Mechanism or Neuropathology? Ueki, H. (Gifu); Holzapfel, C. (Miinster); Sakado, K. (Niigata); Washino, K.; Inoue, M.; Ogawa, N. (Gifu) A Study with Multiple Sclerosis Patients te Wildt, B.T. (Hannover); Schultz-Venrath, U. (Bergisch Gladbach) A Culture-Bound Syndrome ‘Amafufunyana’ and a Culture- Specific Event ‘Ukuthwasa’: Differentiated by a Family History Psychosocial Factors and Sexual Dysfunctions: A Descriptive of Schizophrenia and other Psychiatric Disorders Study in Turkish Males Niehaus, D.J.H.; Oosthuizen, P.; Lochner, C.; Emsley, R.A.; Jordaan, E.; Uguz, S.; Soylu, L.; Diler, R.S.; Evlice, Y.E. (Adana) Mbanga, N.I.; Keyter, N. (Tygerberg); Laurent, C.; Deleuze, J.-F. (Paris); Stein, D.J. (Tygerberg) Case Report Stressful Life Events and Fibrinogen Level in Middle-Aged Teachers Delusion of Test-Tube Pregnancy in a Sexually Abused Girl Manoj, P.N.; John, J.P.; Gandhi, A.; Kewalramani, M.; Murthy, P. Fenga, C.; Micali, E.; Cacciola, A.; Trimarchi, G.; Germano, D. (Messina) (Bangalore); Chaturvedi, $.K. (Tunstall); Isaac, M.K. (Bangalore) KARGER 2004 S. Karger AG, Basel Fax +41 61 306 12 34 Access to full text and tables of contents, E-Mail [email protected] including tentative ones for forthcoming issues: No. 4 Attentional and Memory Bias in Persecutory Delusions and Depression Taylor, J.L. (Middlesbrough); John, C.H. (Durham/South Shields) Original Papers Factor Analytical Study of the Short Version of the Worid Relevance of Anger and Irritability in Outpatients with Major Health Organization Quality of Life Instrument Depressive Disorder Ohaeri, J.U.; Olusina, A.K. (Ibadan); Al-Abassi, A.-H.M. (Kuwait City) Pasquini, M.; Picardi, A.; Biondi, M.; Gaetano, P.; Morosini, P. (Rome) Neuropsychological Correlates of the PANSS Cognitive Factor Nonschizophrenic Psychotic Disorders: The Case of Cycloid Ehmann, T.S.; Khanbhai, I.; MacEwan, G.W. (Vancouver); Smith, G.N.: Honer, W.G.; Flynn, S.; Altman, S. (Port Coquitlam) Psychoses van der Heijden, F.M.M.A.; Tuinier, S. (Venray); Kahn, R.S. (Utrecht); Verhoeven, W.M.A. (Venray/Rotterdam) Case Report Clinical, Psychopathological and Personality Correlates of Koro-Misidentification Syndrome in Schizophrenia? Interoceptive Awareness in Anorexia nervosa, Bulimia nervosa A Plea for Clinical Psychopathology and Obesity Rejon Altable, C.; Rodriguez Urrutia, A. (Santa Coloma de Gramenet) Fassino, S.; Pierd, A.; Gramaglia, C.; Abbate-Daga, G. (Turin) Correlates of Coping Styles in Psychotic Iliness Modestin, J.; Soult, J.; Malti, T. (Zurich) No. 6 Symptom Dimensions in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Factor Analysis on a Clinician-Rated Scale and a Self-Report Measure Overview Denys, D.; de Geus, F.; van Megen, H.J.G.M.; Westenberg, H.G.M. (Utrecht) Does Dissociation Offer a Useful Explanation for insight in Psychosis: A Systematic Review of Treatment Psychopathology? Interventions Jureidini, J. (Adelaide) Henry, C.; Ghaemi, S.N. (Cambridge, Mass./Boston, Mass.) Exploring the Relations between Depression, Somatization, Original Papers Dissociation and Alexithymia —- Overlapping or Independent Constructs? Facial Expression and Experience of Emotions in Lipsanen, T.; Saarijarvi, S.; Lauerma, H. (Turku) Psychodynamic !nterviews with Patients Suffering from a Pain Disorder. Indicators of Disorders in Self- and Relationship Case Report Regulation in the Involuntary Facial Expression of Emotions Merten, J. (Saarbriicken); Brunnhuber, S. (Wiirzburg) A Case of Sotos Syndrome (Cerebral Gigantism) and Psychosis interactive Regulation of Affect in Postpartum Depressed Compton, M.T.; Celentana, M.; Price, B.; Furman, A.C. (Atlanta, Ga.) Mothers and Their Infants: An Overview Reck, C.; Hunt, A.; Fuchs, T.; Weiss, R. (Heidelberg); Noon, A. (Korbach); Moehler, E. (Heidelberg); Downing, G. (Paris); Tronick, E.Z (Cambridge, Mass.); Mundt, C. (Heidelberg) No. 5 Dissociative Symptoms in Schizophrenia: A Comparative Analysis of Patients with Borderline Personality Disorder and Original Papers Healthy Controls Brunner, R.; Parzer, P.; Schmitt, R.; Resch, F. (Heidelberg) Depressive Mixed State: A Feature of the Natural Course of Bipolar Il (and Major Depressive) Disorder? Distribution of Symptoms of Conduct Disorder and Antisocial Benazzi, F. (Ravenna/Forli/San Diego, Calif.) Personality Disorder in Turkey Dogan, O.; Onder, Z.; Dogan, S.; Akyiiz, G. (Sivas) Psychopathy in Violent Female Offenders in Finland Weizmann-Henelius, G. (Vaasa/Turku); Viemeré. V. (Turku); Eronen, M Psychiatric Conditions in an Evolutionary Context (Vaasa) Fabrega, H., Jr. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) Bipolar Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study Fear of Intimacy in Women: Relationship between Attachment Ghaemi, S.N.; Hsu, D.J.; Ko, J.Y. (Cambridge, Mass./Boston, Mass.): Styles and Depressive Symptoms Baldassano, C.F. (Philadelphia, Pa.); Kontos, N.J. (Cambridge, Mass Reis, S.; Grenyer, B.F.S (Wollongong) Boston, Mass.); Goodwin, F.K. (Washington, D.C.) Benevolent Voices Are Not So Kind: The Functional Differentiation of Cognitive and Motor Aspects in a Digit Significance of Auditory Hallucinations Symbol Substitution Test in Anorexia nervosa Patients, Favrod, J.; Grasset, F. (Prilly); Spreng, S. (Lausanne); Grossenbacher, B before and after Weight Restoration (Boudry); Hodé, Y. (Rouffach) Pieters, G. (Kortenberg); Maas, Y. (Kortenberg/Antwerp); Hulstijn, W (Antwerp/Nijmegen); Vandereycken, W.; Probst, M.; Peuskens, J (Korteberg/Leuven); Sabbe, B. (Antwerp/Nijmegen) Author Index Vol. 37, 2004 Subject Index Vol. 37, 2004 Psychopathology Vol. 37. 2004 Contents