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On the Role of Antennas in the Achievable Resolution and Accuracy from Near-Field Microwave ... PDF

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On the Role of Antennas in the Achievable Resolution and Accuracy from Near-Field Microwave Tomography by Nozhan Bayat AThesissubmittedtotheFacultyofGraduateStudiesof TheUniversityofManitoba inpartialfulfilmentoftherequirementsofthedegreeof MasterofScience DepartmentofElectricalandComputerEngineering UniversityofManitoba Winnipeg,Manitoba,Canada Copyright c 2014byNozhanBayat (cid:13) Abstract Thisthesisstudiestheroleofantennasintheachievableresolutionandaccuracyfromnear- field microwave tomography (MWT). Near-field MWT is an emerging imaging modality in which the object being imaged is successively irradiated by several antennas, located close to the object, in the microwave frequency range. The scattered fields emanating from the object are then processed to form quantitative images from the dielectric properties of the object. This thesis starts with proposing a mathematical framework to study the achievable reso- lution from MWT. Within this framework, the effect of the near-field distribution of the utilized antennas on the achievable image resolution will be studied. Specifically, it will be shown that the use a focused near-field distribution to irradiate the object can enhance the achievableresolution. Withinthesameframework,theeffectsofthefrequencyofoperation, multiplefrequenciesofoperation,signal-to-noiseratioofthemeasureddata,andthenumber ofantennaelementsontheachievableresolutionandaccuracywillbestudied. Afterestablishingtheimportanceoftheantenna’sincidentfielddistribution,thisthesiscon- tinues with investigating two different methods to achieve a focused near-field distribution. Thefirstmethod,whichattemptstosynthesizefocusedbeamsfromexistingomnidirectional antennaelements,willbeshowntobenotsuccessfulusingthemethodemployedinthisthe- sis. Thesecondmethodisbasedonmodifyinganexistingantennaelementsoastomakeits near-field distribution more focused. Through different experiments and simulations, it will be shown that the second method can make the near-field distribution of the antenna more focusedwhilemaintainingmultiplefrequenciesofoperationfortheantenna,andkeepingits physicalsizereasonablysmall. Contributions This thesis reports on the following contributions. After each contribution, the published or submittedpapersthatcorrespondtothatcontribution willbelisted. Amathematical framework wasproposed to study the achievableresolution from mi- • crowave tomography. This framework does not rely on simplified scattering approx- imations. The effects of several antenna-related parameters on the achievable resolu- tionandaccuracywereinvestigatedusingthisframework. – Nozhan Bayat and Puyan Mojabi, “A Mathematical Framework to Analyze the AchievableResolutionFromMicrowaveTomography,”submitted, 2014. It was shown that the use of focused near-field distributions to irradiate the object • beingimagedcanenhancetheachievableresolution. – NozhanBayatandPuyanMojabi,“TheEffectofAntennaIncidentFieldDistri- butiononMicrowaveTomographyReconstruction,”ProgressInElectromagnet- icsResearch,vol. 145,153-161,2014. – Nozhan Bayat and Puyan Mojabi, “On the Effect of Antenna Illumination Pat- terns on the Accuracy and Resolution of Microwave Tomography,” IEEE In- ternational Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio ScienceMeeting,Orlando,Florida,July2013. Useofsynthesizedfocusedbeamsinmicrowavetomography wasinvestigated. • – Nozhan Bayat, Puyan Mojabi, and Joe LoVetri “Use of Synthesized Fields in Microwave Tomography Inversion,” International Symposium on Antenna Tech- nology and Applied Electromagnetics, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, July 2014. iii An antenna design, fabrication, and measurements were presented so as to make the • near-fielddistribution ofanexistingantennamorefocused. – Nozhan Bayat and Puyan Mojabi, “Small Wide-band Antenna with more Fo- cused Incident Field for increasing the Accuracy and Resolution of Microwave Tomography,”IEEEInternationalSymposiumonAntennasandPropagationand USNC-URSIRadioScienceMeeting,Memphis,Tennessee,USA,July2014. Finally, it should be noted that the utilized inversion algorithms in this thesis were previ- ously developed by Puyan Mojabi. These algorithms were used by the author of this thesis throughout thisresearch. Acronyms and Symbols Herein, two tables are presented. The first table lists some of the important acronyms used inthisthesis,andthesecondlistssomeoftheimportant symbols. Acronym Description MWT Microwavetomography. OI Objectofinterest. TM Transversemagnetic. MR-GNI Multiplicative regularizedGauss-Newtoninversion. SVD Singularvaluedecomposition. 2D Two-dimensional. 3D Three-dimensional. SNR Signal-to-noise ratio. PNFR Planarnear-fieldrange. VNA Vectornetworkanalyzer. v Symbol Description xˆ,yˆ,zˆ Unitvectorsalongx,y andz directions. j Imaginary unit(j2 = 1). − Imaging domain. D Measurementdomain. S p Positionvectorinthemeasurementdomain . S q Positionvectorintheimaging domain . D r andr′ Generalpositionvectors. g(.,.) Green’sfunction ofthebackgroundmedium. k Wavenumberofthebackground medium. b λ Wavelengthoftheoperationinthebackgroundmedium. Einc Incidentelectricfield(electricfieldintheabsenceoftheobjectofinterest). E Totalelectricfield(electricfieldinthepresenceoftheobjectofinterest). Escat Scatteredelectricfield(Escat , E Einc). − Emeas Measuredscatteredelectricfieldonthemeasurementdomain . S (.)H Hermitian operator(complexconjugatetranspose). x L normofthevectorx,definedas x , √xHx. 2 || || || || Re Real-partoperator. Im Imaginary-part operator. χ(q) dielectriccontrastoftheobjectofinterestatlocationq. ǫ (q) Relativecomplexpermittivity oftheobjectofinterestatlocationq. r ǫ Relativecomplexpermittivity ofthebackgroundmedium. b S Voltagereflectioncoefficientattheinputport(oftheantenna). 11 Acknowledgments First, I would like to thank my academic advisor, Dr. Puyan Mojabi, for all of his support, encouragement,andtimeduring myMScstudies. I would also like to express my appreciation to my MSc committee, Dr. Gregory Bridges andDr.JonathanRegehr,fortheireffortsintheevaluationandimprovement ofthiswork. I would also like to thank Mr. Brad Tabachnick, Mr. James Dietrich, Mr. Zoran Trajkoski, andMr. DwayneChruschfortheirhelpinfabricationandmeasurements. Finally, I extend my gratitude to Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the University of Manitoba Research Grant Program, and the University of Mani- tobaGETSProgramfortheirfinancialsupport. TomyparentsandmybrotherNavid viii

This thesis studies the role of antennas in the achievable resolution and accuracy from near- field microwave tomography (MWT). Near-field MWT is an emerging imaging modality in which the object being imaged is successively irradiated by several antennas, located close to the object, in the
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