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New Airport Master Plan PDF

118 Pages·2015·4.19 MB·English
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Preview New Airport Master Plan

",""' Provisional Airport Authority - Hong Kong ]j ";"~-=-> ,. .. /oi , I \' cll I . (~--=: ,1 , ' }j -:,:~J u 1 -i '''~-;I New Airport Master Plan I, - .. I I, . 'I Environmental Impact Assessment r-~ I, I 71 ,r--~, -I • I, .- - -----...---,--- 1\ I' '- , i Greiner - MaL!nsell ,I .; - ; I r r, Contents , r Page //PART A INTRODUCTION r " 1 Introduction 1,1 Background 1-1 1.2 Purpose 1-2 r I j 2 Implementation of the Airport Master Plan 2-1 r ·,3 Environmental Legislation and Guidelines 3,1 Noise 3-1 3,2 Air Quality 3-4 r 3.3 Water Quality 3-5 3A Ecology 3·8 ! ) 3,5 Waste and Hazardous Materials 3-9 r PART B ISSUES RELATING TO AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION 4 NOise 4.1 Assessment Methodology • 4-1 4.1.1 Excavation and Reclamation 4-2 4.1.2 Dredging and Dumping 4-4 4.1.3 Building and Infrastructure Contract 4-4 4.1 A Percussive Piling 4·5 4.2 Existing and Post Construction Environment 4-5 4.3 Noise Impacts. 4·5 .~-~ 4.4 Mi!iga:ion Measures .~ S. ,,,,": ,., ,. -, r • 4,<, r.. ~ _mitoring ·4--9 .... j "'f' 5 Air Quality \ 5.1 Assessment Methodology 5-1 5.1.1 Emission Rates 5-2 5.1.2 Atmospheric Dispersion Model 5-5 5.1.3 Receptors 5-5 r 5.1 A Meteorological Conditions 5-6 5.1.5 Complex Terrain 5-6 5.2 Existing Environment 5-6 5.3 Air Quality Impacts 5-7 r 5.3.1 Worst Case Results 5·8 5.3.2 Most Probable Results 5-11 5.3.3 Contours 5-11 ,.... 5.3A Asphalt and Concrete Plants 5-23 .I 5.3.5 Construction Equipment Exhaust 5-23 , , 5.4 Mitigation Measures 5-23 , 5.5 Monitoring 5-24 I ~ Hydrodynamics ' 6.1 Assessment Methodology 6-1 r , . S.1.,1 . Airport R!:::iamatior; Configuration 6-1 " .. , . 6.1.2 Rushing Channel 6-1 6.1.3 Sediment Dispersion from Dredging 6-1 and Dumping Operations , .i. i <. r I Page 6.2 Hydraulic Impacts 6-3 6.2.1 Airport Reclamation Configuration 6-3 6.2.2 Rushing Channel 6-6 6.2.3 Sediment Dispersion and Deposition 6-8 6.3 Mitigation Measures 6-16 r 6.3.1 Airport Reclamation Configuration and 6-16 I Flushing Channel 6.3.2 Sediment Dispersion and Deposition 6-16 r Water Quality \ • 7.1 Assessment Methodology 7-1 7.1.1 Identification of Sensitive Receivers 7-1 r-- 7.1.2 Sources of Existing Water Quality Data 7-1 7.1.3 Mathematical Modelling 7-4 I 7.1.4 Assessment of Marine Mud Quality 7-4 7.2 Existing Environment 7-7 7.2.1 Water Quality 7-7 7.2.2 Marine Mud Quality 7-7 7.3 Water Quality Impacts 7-9 r 7.3.1 Airport Reclamation Configuration 7-9 c, I 7.3.2 Dredging and Mud Disposal 7-13 7.3.3 Construction Site Runoff 7-23 ;-- ,r 7.3.4 Sewage Flows and Loads 7-24 L I 7.4 Mitigation Measures 7~24 7.4.1 Airport Reclamation Configuration 7-24 7.4.2 Dredging and Mud Disposal 7-25 -' ~, 7.4.3 Construction Site Runoff 7-25 7.4.4 Sewage Treatment and Disposal 7-25 r 7.5 Monitoring 7-26 ".... .l [ ! 8 M.lrin(' Ecology 3 i Assessment Methooology .) '; ~"-:"8~i" :~n~' ,.:'.:.' r r <l,~ Ex:sting Envir?: .ment 8-3 8.2.1 Sublittoral 8-3 8.2.2 Littoral 8-10 r 8.3 Marine Ecological Impacts 8-20 rI l , 8.3.1 Sublittoral Biota 8-20 8.3.2 Littoral Communities 8-21 r Mitigation Measures 8-22 Monitoring 8-23 9 Terrestrial Ecology 9-1 i~ 9.1 Assessment Methodology 9-1 9.1.1 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna 9-1 9.1.2 Avifauna 9-2 "" ' f jj F ',.-" ,~~~~.--. ~ -~'., ~~ ~~~£f~)~~'i!:~t};\ji~ii:!':~~"",~:;'1~'~""-,~,:~ it":,i~~J:ti~~~:i~",,;{~·±'~'" ":~~ti;J~;.:::~',.:":,,,,::;· ~-="-:::~'' -" -_., h'+ __ • -- • ..c':::''''':'::' --"-=---'C'- ::C'C -::-_ ~ Contents I I. Page 9.2 Existing Environment 9·2 I. 9.2.1 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna 9·2 9.2.2 Avrrauna 9-7 9.3 Terrestrial Ecological Impacts 9-13 I. 9.3.1 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna \ 9-13 9.3.2 Avffauna ~9'14 9.4 Mitigation Measures 9·15 r 9.4.1 Terrestrial Flora and Fauna 9·15 " I \ 9.42 Avrrauna 9·19 r /10 Solid Waste 10.1 Waste Arisings 10-1 10.1.1 Excavation 10·1 10.1.2 Infrastructure 10-1 I. 10.1.3 Employee Domestic Waste 10-2 10.1.4 Maintenance and Repair Wastes 10-3 10.2 Disposal Alternatives 10-3 I. 10.2.1 Excavation 10·3 10.2.2 Infrastructure 10-4 10.2.3 Employee Waste 10-4 10.2.4 Maintenance 10-4 ~ ~1 i I Hazardous Materials 11.1 Assessment 11-1 , r; 11.2 Existing Environment 11·2 "' I , 11.3 Mitigation Measures 11-3 \ r 12 Land Use 12-1 I I , \ i :3 30pi~ec61}~ml.H~; . ."" .' . r 13.1 A-s-sessment/E,x.i.s tir,(.1. .. Environmc;,( "<13~t",,;, l 13.2 So,c,,i~o,_e,,cp,.on,n'~o'··m ic impacts 13-1 " 13.2.1 Social I mpects 13-2 r 13.2.2 Economic Impacts 13-2 13.3 Mitigation Measures 13·3 I 14 Archaeological and Historical Sites r 14.1 Assessment/Existing Environment 14-1 I . 14.2 Impacts/Mitigation Measures 14·3 r 15 Aesthetics 15-1 , , r I I n ;, •. ,!... \ ; r r vi iii;> r , r r Page PART C . ISSUES RELATING TO AIRPORT OPERATION r 16 Noise 16.1 Assessment Methodology 16-1 16.1.1 Airport Data 16-2 16.1.2 Aircraft Operational Data 16-2 16.1.3 Runway and Flight Track Utilisation Data 16-10 16.2 Existing and Post Construction Environment 16-18 r 16.3 Noise Impacts 16-18 ! 16.3.1 Arrivals and Departures 16-18 16.3.2 Ground Operations 16·18 16.4 Mitigation Measures 16·21 16.5 Modelling, Monitoring and Audit 16·22 ,'" 17 Air Quality , 17.1 Assessment Methodology 17·1 17.1.1 Sources of Air Emissions 17·1 17.1.2 Models 17-5 r 17.1.3 Emission Factors 17-B I , , 17.1.4 Receptors 17·9 17.1.5 Meteorological Conditions 17·10 I~ 17.1.6 Complex Terrain 17·12' I i 17.2 EXisting Environment 17·12 17.3 Air Quality Impacts i 17·13 r 17.3.1 Emissions loventory 17·13 I 17.3.2 Dispersion Modelling Results 17·16 I 17.4 Other Issues 17·19 17.4.1 Health Effects 17·19 r~ 17.4.2 Effects on Vegetation 17·19 17.4.3 Visible Emissions 17·20 :7,":' 4 Odour ~7-2(1 r 17.4.5 Fuel Quriping . :', ~:J 17.6 Mitigation Measures - 17·20 ! . 17.5.1 Location and Layout 17·21 17.5.2 Terminal Area Location and Design 17·22 17.5.3 Access/Egress 17·22 17.6 Monitoring and Audit 17·22 ~ r. Hydrodynamics I : 1B.1 Assessment Methodology 1B-1 1B.2 Hydraulic Impacts 18·1 r 1B.2.1 Siltation 1B·1 1B.3 Mitigation Measures 1B-3 /19 Water Quality r 19.1 Assessment Methodology 19-1 19.1.1 Foul Sewage Loads 19-1 19.1.2 Storm Water Contamination 19·7 19.2 Water Quality Impacts 19·11 19.2.1 Foul Sewage 19-11 19.2.2 Contaminated Stormwater Runoff 19·12 - r iv 1,<t" ; ~, / ! r Contents Page 19:3 Mitigation Measures 19-15 I' 19.3.1 Pre-treatment Prior to Discharge to Foul Sewer 19-15 I 19.3.2 Stormwater Interception 19-18 19.3.3 Operational Procedures 19-22 19.4 Monitoring and Audit 19-25 19.4.1 Monitoring Requirements 19-25 19.4.2 Audit Requirements 19-26 r I 20 Marine Ecology l ' 20.1 Assessment Methodology 20-1 r 20.2 Existing Environment 20-1 20.2.1 Sublittoral 20-1 , 20.2.2 Littoral 20-1 20.2.3 Post-Constr.uction Environment 20-2 r 20.3 Marine Ecological Impacts 20-2 20.4 Mitigation Measures 20-3 20.5 Monitoring and Audit 20-4 r 21 Terrestrial Ecology ! 21.1 Terrestrial Impacts 21-1 21.2 Landscaping 21-1 Solid Waste i 22.1 Waste Arisings • 22-1 r 22.1.1 Domestic Waste 22-1 22.1.2 Commercial Waste 22-1 22.1.3 Industrial Waste 22-2 22.1.4 Putrescible Waste 22-2 I' 22. '1.5 Miscellaneous Solid Wastes 22-2 22,2 . ;:lr,ekgrotH';d to Strategy 22·1 22.3, "rGf""Tl'd Strategy ",;1-4 r , '-.. ~, 22,3. ) Collee;tion , ~ ~~. < ~2--4 .:" 22.3.2 'rransler , ".,-, :22 ..;. 22.3.3 Disposal 2?-'! 22.4 Potential Environmental Impacts 22-5 22.4.1 Impact on Disposal Facilities 22-5 22.4.2 RTS Location and Land Use Considerations 22-5 22.4.3 Air Quality 22-5 22.4.4 Noise 22-5 22.4.5 Water Quality 22-6 22.5 Mitigation Measures 22-6 r 22.5.1 Air Quality 22-6 22.5.2 Noise 22-7 22.5.3 Water Quality 22-7 r 22.6 Compatibility with the North Lantau RTS 22-8 -h3 I Hazardous Materials 23.1 Assessment Methodology 23-1 23.1.1 Sources and Characteristics 23-1 23.2 Existing Conditions 23-5 r I I r ", '. ~,:"1 ,),~i~,:,~~',l,~,;"" - , :,~ ',. ·"':<0.-'·~;:J: }i~:>-~:Y:i:b'::± ~-',;:;';i·H·r·'i±";'~ =,==:::6==== - Page r i 23.3 Mitigation Measures 23-6 - 23.3.1 Elimination, Substitution, Minimisation, Abatement 23-6 23.3.2 Stormwater Interception 23·7 23.3.3 Accidents and Emergencies 23·7 - 23.3.4 Atmospheric Discharges 23·7 23.3.5 On·Site Storage 23-8 23.3.6 Off·Site Disposal 23·9 24 Land Use 24·1 r 25 Socioeconomics 25·1 - ! 26 Archaeological and Historical Sites 26·1 L -. 27 Aesthetics 27.1 Assessment Methodology 27·1 L r 27.2 Existing Environment 27·1 27.2.1 Visibility 27·1 \ 27.2.2 Distant Views 27·1 [ 27.2.3 Middle Views 27·3 27.2.4 Near Views 27·3 27.3 Visual Impact of Airport andl Related Developments 27·3 27.3.1 Distant Views 27·3 27.3.2 Middle Views 27-4 27.3.3 Near Views 27-4 27.4 Mitigation Measures 27-4 27.4.1 DistRnt Views 27-4 27.4·2 Mii:idle 'iiews 27·'S 27.4.3' NearViews ~~1 , 1,::1 0/ ~, C' ...... '27·5· ,~',-;" '::'" _ r 27.4..4-· .c 'Ai..r port Views ,,::-;. ~~:~7~, '.,;~;f;-·llYL ·;,~~ ..•, b_. ".::' ',; ~ , ~RTD SUMMARY ~8 Summary and Recommendations 28.1 Noise Impacts 28·1 28.1.1 Summary of Construction Impacts 28·1 28.1.2 Recommendations 28·1 . 28.1.3 Summary of Operational Impacts 28·2 r 28.1.4 Recommendations 28·2 28.2 Air Quality 28·3 , 28.2.1 Summary of Construction Impacts 28-3 [ 28.2.2 Recommendations 28-4 ,r 28.2.3 Summary of Operational Impacts 28-,,: I 28.2.4 Recommendations 28·(' 28.3 Tidal Flow and Water Quality 28-6 r 28.3.1 Summary of Construction Impacts 28-6 I 28.3.2 Recommendations 28-8 28.3.3 Summary of Operational Impacts 28-8 n 28.3.4 Recommendations 28·9 r I , Contents r I Page r 28.4 Marine Ecology . 28-10 l , 28,4.1 Summary of Construction Impacts 28-10 28,4.2 Recommendations 28-11 28.4.3 Summary of Operational Impacts 28-12 28.4.4 Recommendations 28-13 28.5 Terrestrial Ecology 28-13 28.5.1 Summary of Construction Impacts 28-13 r 28.5.2 Recommendations 28-14 l . 28.5.3 Summary of Operational Impacts 28-15 r 28,5.4 Recommendations 28-15 28.6 Solid Waste and Hazardous Materials 28-16 28.6.1 Summary of Construction Impacts 28-16 28.6.2 Recommendations 28-16 r 28.6.3 Summary of Operational Impacts 28-17 28.6.4 Recommendations 28-19 I , 28.7 Aesthetics 28-20 28.7.1 Summary of Imparts 28-20 r 28.7.2 Recommendations 28-21 I ! 28,8 Environmental Monitoring and Audit Programme 28-21 r 28.8.1 Summary of Construction Phase Monitoring 28-21 28.8.2 Summary of Operational Phase Monitoring 28-22 2R8. . 3 Recommendations 28-22 [ Acknowledgements r I • APPC'lui':f!S Provisional AirrJort Authority Board Members B List of Working Papers C References r D Abbreviations t ._ n r vii ! ~ . \, . ,", [ ~, List of Tables Page [ PART A INTRODUCTION [ 3.1 Basic Noise Levels (BNLs) for Construction Noise from Activtties 3-1 other than Percussive Piling dB(A) 3.2 Acceptable Noise Levels (ANLs) for Percussive Piling 3-1 3.3 Land Use Compatibility Chart for Aircraft Noise 3-2 3.4 Summary of Noise Standards 3-3 3.5 Hong Kong Air Quality Objectives 3-4 r 3.6 Air Quality Legislation and Guidelines 3-5 3.7 Water Quality Objectives for the Proposed North Western Waters 3-7 I Control Zone 3.8 Hazardous Materials and Chemical Wastes Legislation 3-10 ., r i '-- PART B ISSUES RELATING TO AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION 4.1 Area Sensttivity Ratings (ASRs) 4-1 4.2 Basic Noise Levels (BNLs) 4-1 4.3 Representative Equipment and Associated Sound Power Levels (SPLs) 4-2 4.4 Projected Worst Case Noise Impacts in Comparison to BNLs 4-6 4.5 NSRs Qualifying for Funding to Install and Operate Air Condttioners 4-8 4.6 Comparison of CNLs and ANLs 4-8 .-. lL 5.1 Excavation/Land Reclamation Ope~tion Particulate Matter Emission Rates 5-4 5.2 Construction Related Particulate Matter Characteristics 5-5 r 5.3 Worst Case One Hour and 24-Hour Total Suspended Particulates 5-9 (TSP) Levels (ug/m3) 5.4 Worst Case One HOMr and 24-Hour Respirable Suspended Particulates 5-10 (RSP) Levels (ug/m ) [ "7.1 SuspendedSoli;i" ·St. ..t istic:c: Hourly Sampi .., s T9.ken Over !-s r Four 26-Hour Pa nc::Js in i WO . ,- . -~ 7.2 . '. Suspend.ed Solids Sccl.;stics: Bimonthly .\lamp:es Taken Over the Peridc!"Jailuarv 1!d<l9 -';'priI1990 7.3 Analytical Results !or Surlicial Samples of Marine Mud from the 7-9 Chek Lap Kok Airport Reclamation Stte and Marine Borrow Areas 7.4 Increases in Suspended Solids Concentrations Resulting from 7-18 Dumping Operations at the Entrance to Deep Bay r 7.5 Increases in Suspended Solids Concentrations at Deep Bay Oyster Beds 7-20 Resulting from Fill Extraction at Urmston Road Borrow Area 7.6 Potential Increases in Suspended Solids Concentrations at Oyster Beds 7-20 in Deep Bay Resulting from Dredging at Outer Deep Bay n 7.7 Potential Increases in Suspended Solids Concentrations at Oyster Beds 7-20 I in Deep Bay Resulting from Dredging at the Northern Part of the -. r Deep Bay Borrow Area 7.8 Potential Increases in Suspended Solids Concentrations at Oyster Beds 7-23 in Deep Bay Resulting from Combined Cycle Dredging and Dumping at The Brothers and Deep Bay Borrow Areas n I , -. i r ", " t I L_ viii :-- ! .. r I Page 7.9 Sewage Flows and Loads Arising from Construction Workers at Chek Lap Kok 7-24 8.1 Metal Concentrations in Bulk Sediment Samples Collected by B-3 Van Veen Grab (Sites lA to 16A). B.2 Complete Ust of Fauna Collected by Grab North of Lantau, 8-4 5th to 7th November 1990 8.3 Complete Ust of Fauna Collected by Trawl North of Lantau, B-7 5th to 8th November 1990 B.4 Reported Sightings of Chinese White Dolphin Sousa Chinensis in North 8-11 Lantau, Deep Bay and Pearl River Estuary Area Between July 19BO and r October 1991 I 8.5 Fauna and Flora Ust for Typical Rocky Cliff Community (Relatively 8-13 Wave Exposed) in Region of Tung Chung, North Lantau (November 1990) r 8.6 Fauna and Flora Ust for Typical Jetty Community in Region of Tung Chung, 8-13 I , North Lantau (November 1990) 8.7 Fauna and Flora List for Typical Lower Shore Boulder Community in 8-14 Region of Tung Chung, North Lantau (November 1990) B.B Fauna and Flora List for Typical Upper Shore Zoysia Community Near 8-15 Tung Chung, North Lantau (November 1990) r B.9 Fauna and Flora Ust for Typical Sandy Shore Communities (Varying with 8-15 Wave Exposure and Beach Particle Size) in Region of Tung Chung, North Lantau (November 1990) I I 8.10 Fauna and Flora Ust for Typical Mangrove Swamp Community in Region of 8-16 r Tung Chung, North Lantau (November 1990) I 8.11 Fauna and Flora Ust for Typical Open Shore Communities Directly 8-17 Adjacent to Mangrove Swamps in Region of Tung Chung, North Lantau (November 1990) 8.12 Biomonitoring Data , . 8-19 .".>., 8.13 ::Ranee ,~f Maximum caiicenfrati6'iis· of Nickel, ,~;h'GrniUl,' u'ld Cobalt· , ". 8-19 0:' "i:; . 'ih'6odlesoT the Barnacle Tetraclita squamosa Gullec:te'..J !rom ' n 'iC.' ~'Jur Sttes in North Lantau'in'November1990 9.1 Plant Species Encountered on Chek Lap Kok 9-4 9,2 Birds Recorded at Chek Lap Kok 1990/91 9-7 9.3 Ust of Birds Previously Recorded from Chek Lap Kok but Not Observed 9-9 in the Period August 1990 -July 1991 9.4 Bird Habttats and Habitat Use on Chek Lap Kok 9-10 9.5 Birds Observed on West Brother Island 9-11 9.6 Birds Observed on Lung Kwu Chau 9-12 9.7 Birds Observed on Sha Chau 9-12 r I , 11.1 Sources and Characteristics of Potentially Hazardous Materials, 11-1 Chemical Wastes and Dangerous Goods Used During Construction Operations 14.1 Archaeological and Historical Sttes Impacted by Airport Construction 14-1 and Electronic Equipment Siting I r .ix ;,:

1,1. Background. 1.2. Purpose j 2. Implementation of the Airport Master Plan .. Terminal Area Location and Design accommodate forecasted passenger and cargo demand has become increasingly discussed in the Final Report - Planning and Final Report - Civil Engineering. Lung Kwu Tan.
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