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Apparent Persistence Length Renormalization of Bent DNA Igor M. Kuli´c, Herv´e Mohrbach, Vladimir Lobaskin, Rochish Thaokar, and Helmut Schiessel ∗ † ‡ Max-Planck-Institute for Polymer Research, Theory Group, POBox 3148, D 55021 Mainz, Germany (Dated: February 2, 2008) We derive the single molecule equation of state (force-extension relation) for DNA molecules bearing sliding loops and deflection defects. Analytical results are obtained in the large force limit 5 by employing an analogy with instantons in quantum mechanical tunneling problems. The results 0 revealaremarkablefeatureofslidingloops-anapparentstrongreductionofthepersistencelength. 0 Wegeneralize theseresultstoseveralotherexperimentallyinterestingsituationsranging from rigid 2 DNA-proteinloops to theproblem of anchoring deflectionsin AFMstretching of semiflexible poly- mers. Expressions relating the force-extension measurements to the underlying loop/boundary de- n flection geometry are provided and applied to the case of the GalR-loop complex. The theoretical a J predictions are complemented and quantitatively confirmed by MD simulations. 7 PACSnumbers: 87.15.La,82.37.Rs,05.40.-a 1 ] t In nature DNA is rarely found in its straight ”naked” f o state as usually depicted in the introductory pages of s elementary textbooks. In most ”in vivo” situations an . t overwhelmingfractionofDNAisratherstronglyconfigu- a m rationallyconstrainedbybinding proteinscausingloops, bends and deflections. The advent of single molecule - d stretching techniques [1] has opened the possibility of n measuringthe”equationofstate”ofsingletetheredDNA o molecules in a variety of different conditions [2]. While c the statistical mechanics of unconstrained DNA under [ tensionistheoreticallywellunderstoodintheframework 1 of the Worm Like Chain model [3] the presence of topo- v FIG. 1: Examples for large deflections in a stretched DNA logical constraints like supercoiling [4, 5] or geometrical 9 molecules. a) Afreely sliding linkerprotein stabilizes aDNA 7 constraintslike protein induced kinks andbends [6, 7, 8] loop. b) A rigid ligand with opening angle α causes a kink 3 rendersanalyticalresultsmoredifficult. Inthis letter we intheDNA.c)Tangentially anchoredDNAstretchedfrom a 1 expand the repertoire of analytically solvable ”equations surfacebyanAFMtip. Thetiltingangleτ aswellasanchor- 0 of state” by deriving the force-extension relation for a ing angles αand σ can strongly affect theelastic response. 5 DNA molecule featuring loops and large deflections in 0 the limit of strong stretching forces (for the small forces / t a case see [9]). The computation is performed by evaluat- m ing quadratic fluctuations around the looped solution - E = L/2 A dt 2 F t ds with the bending stiff- d- aThneonm-ceothnostdanistessasdendtleia-plloyinatnaolfogthoeusDtNoAtheelasesmticicleansesrigcay.l ne0ssAR=−Ll/2k(cid:20)2T(cid:16)wdsh(cid:17)ere−l is· t(cid:21)heorientationalpersistence P B P n treatment of tunneling amplitudes in quantum mechan- length and k T the thermal energy; for DNA at room o B ics and instantons in quantum field theory [10]. After temperature l 50 nm [12]. c P ≈ : derivingthegeneralresult(thatweaccompanywithMD v simulations)wefocusontwointerestingexperimentalap- In the following we parametrize the tangent as t = i X plications: the stretching of the GalR loop complex [11], (cosφcosϑ,sinφcosϑ,sinϑ) and put the force along r and of tangentially anchored semiflexible polymers from the x-axis so that the potential energy part writes a a surface in AFM experiments. Fcosφcosϑ. Note that the angle ϑ is measured with − respect to the equatorial plane (as on a globe). This Stretching a sliding loop. In the following we neglect parametrization is necessary to take properly into ac- theDNAtwistdegreeoffreedomforitisnotconstrained counttheinextensibilityofthechainimposedbythecon- from outside, and no external torsional torques are act- dition t2 = 1. In the following it is convenient to intro- ing on it. In this case DNA of length L is described duce the dimensionless contour length t = s/λ with the in the continuum limit by specifying only the unit vec- deflection length λ= A/F [6, 13]. The latter becomes tor tangent t(s) to the chain. Here s is the contour the relevant lengthscaple characterizing the loss of orien- length along the DNA with L/2 < s < L/2. The tational correlation in the case of DNA under large ten- − chain is submitted to an external constant force so that sion (replacing the usual tension-free persistence length the kinetic plus potential energy of such a chain reads l = A/k T). In these coordinates the chain energy P B 2 writes or small cationic proteins acting as linkers between two DNAsurfaces. Singlemoleculestretchingexperimentson L/2λ 1 E =√AF φ˙2cos2ϑ+ϑ˙2 cosφcosϑ dt DNA condensed with multivalent counterions performed 0 Z L/2λ(cid:18)2(cid:16) (cid:17)− (cid:19) by several groups [15] might bear loops or related struc- − (1) tures like DNA toroids [16]. The relevant saddle point - the loop in the x–y plane The partition function of the system in shown in Fig. 1a - satisfies δE0 = 0 with the boundary Fig. 1a can generally be written as Qloop = cInontdhietiloimnsitϑolofolpar(g±eLle/n2gλt)h=sL0/,λφloop(±tLh/e2lλo)op=s0olauntidon2πis. Rthloeoppδa(cid:0)tth2−in1t(cid:1)eDgr3al[t]oev−eβrEttoht[et] fuwnhcetrieonaRlloonpeigrhebporerhseonotds →∞ the well known ”kink” solution from theory of quantum of the loop solution and the δ-function enforces the tunneling [10] cosφloop = 1 2cosh−2(t) and ϑloop = chain inextensibility. This partition function is nothing − 0 with the loop energy given by Eloop = 8√FA LF. but the Euclidean path integral of a quantum particle − For large values of √AF we can expand E in terms of moving on an unit sphere under the influence of an 0 quadratic fluctuations (δϑ,δφ) aroundthe looped saddle external constant force. Using the φ,ϑ parametri- point (ϑ ,φ ) sation the partition function can be rewritten as loop loop Qloop = [φ] [ϑ]e−βEtot[ϑ,φ]−lnCm with a metric E0 =Eloop+√A2F Z δφTˆkδφdt+√A2F Z δϑTˆ⊥δϑdt (2) ttehreminCexmtenR=siDbeixlipty(cid:0)DRcoδn(s0t)radisnlto.gI(tcocasn(ϑb))e(cid:1)shreoswunltitnhgatfrtohmis term does not contribute at the quadratic level of the with the in- and out-of-plane fluctuation operators Tˆ = ∂2/∂t2+ 1 2cosh−2t and Tˆ = ∂2/∂t2+ approximation because we expand around ϑloop =0. By 1k 6−cosh−2t re(cid:0)sp−ectively. A(cid:1)closer in⊥spec−tion of the virtue of the decomposition of the in- and out-of-plane − fluctuations at the quadratic level (Eqs. 2 and 3) the d(cid:0)iscretespectru(cid:1)mofthetwooperatorsrevealsthephysics behind. Tˆ has a zero eigenvalue resulting from the partition function can be conveniently factorized k translational shift-invariance of the loop along the chain Qloop =e−βEloopQ QV (4) that costs no energy for L/λ . The absence of neg- k ⊥ →∞ ative eigenvalues is in agreement with intuition as in 2D with theloopisa(topologically)stablesaddlepoint. Theout- oAfg-paliannietflpuocstsueassteiosnaozpeerroatmorodTˆe⊥, tshhioswtsimaerircehseurltbienhgafvrioomr. QV⊥ =Z d(∆λzc)e−βV(∆zc)Q⊥(∆zc) (5) rotational invariance of the problem. More remarkably, and with the in- and out-of-plane plane partition func- in contrast to Tˆ the out-of-plane fluctuation operator tions Tˆ has a negativke eigenvalue 3. The latter underlines tthh⊥ee ienlatrsitnicsiecnienrsgtyabeixliptyreossfitohnesl1−ooapndin23.DThaissdbersicnrgibseudsbtyo Qk =Z ∗D[δφ]e−β√2AF R δφTˆkδφdt (6) tiachcaetlioqsnuiteousfatatioiosnlnidhsionhwgowtlionnkdienerscF[8rii]gbw.ee1taihn.etrIoonbdvuoircodeuesarlytteosrtmambaolcedcepolhutynhste-- Q⊥ =Z ∗D[δϑ]δ(cid:18)∆λzc −Z−ttccδϑdt(cid:19)e−β√2AF R δϑTˆ⊥δϑ(7d)t ing for the DNA self-interaction. In lowest order it can be written as a function of the perpendicular distance Thenotation ∗remindsthatthe(translationalandrota- o∆vzecrcr=ossλinRg−tctDcNsinAδϑar(mt)sdatt≈theλcRo−tnctctaδcϑt(pt)odinttotfc the1.t9w1o5 thiaonndalle)dzewroithmRocadrees.oAfTˆnkaiavnedGTˆa⊥usrseiaspneicnttivegelryathioanvewtooublde ≈ (resulting from the crossing condition tc = 2tanhtc). lead to a formal divergence in both cases. After dealing The total energy of the chain can now be written as with this problem by introducing collective coordinates, a method well known from tunneling theory [10], and tc E =E +V λ δϑ(t)dt (3) applying the Gelfand-Yaglom method for the computa- tot 0 (cid:18) Z (cid:19) −tc tionofthefluctuationdeterminantweobtainthein-plane withashort-rangedbutotherwisearbitraryattractivein- partition function Q = π4βLFe−L2√AF. k teraction potential V acting at the crossing point. Note The computation of Q which follows similar lines of ⊥ that if V (∆z ) has a minimum at ∆z =0 the loop sad- reasoning requires rewriting the δ-function in 7 in its c c dle point stays unaffected by the self-interaction. DNA Fourier representation. After introducing Πc, the char- is knownto effectively attractitself in many solvents de- acteristic function of the interval [ tc,tc] (i.e. Πc(t) = − spite its strong negative bare charge. Typical situations 1 for t [ tc,tc] and = 0 otherwise), we rewrite ihnodl,ucsminagllDnNeAutsreallf-paotltyrmacetriosnliakreePpEoGor)s[o1l4v]e,ntthse(lpikreesaelnccoe- pR−atcttchδ-iϑndtetg∈=raRl−−∞7∞bΠecco(mt)eδsϑa(tG)datusassiaanswcaitlahraprsooduurccet.tTerhme of multivalent counterions (like CoHex and Spermidine) ikΠ and can be solved by constructing the Green’s c 3 function for Tˆ . This leads to the result Q = 8qπΓ lλP 3/2e−⊥2LλeΓlλP3z2 with Γ=2/(9t3c −30tc)≈⊥0.35 a num(cid:0)eric(cid:1)constant. Combining those results we obtain 3/2 QV⊥ = λ8rΓπ (cid:18)lλP(cid:19) e−2Lλ Z eΓλlP3z2−βV(z)dz (8) The resulting force extension relation ∆x = h i k T ∂ logQ writes in leading order B ∂F loop ∆z 1 l 1 9 P h i =1 1+8 + L − 2√βlP (cid:18) L(cid:19)√F 4βLF 3Γ 1 ∞ z2eβΓA−1/2F3/2z2−βV(z)dz + 2 LλR−∞∞ eβΓA−1/2F3/2z2−βV(z)dz (9) R−∞ InthelimitingcaseofaverydeeppotentialV (z)strongly localized around z = 0 the last term is negligible and the force-extension relation becomes independent of the detailed nature of the contact interaction. If we in ad- dition consider large forces, the O(1/βLF)-term can be neglected and the relation 9 can be cast in a more illu- minating form ∆z 1 h i 1 (10) FIG. 2: a) Stretching DNA looped with a sliding linker: L ≈ − 2 βlapp√F P Comparison of MD simulation results (datapoints) with the- p oretical prediction (solid lines) for the force-extension rela- that resembles the well known loop-free WLC response tion as given by Eq. 10. The force is measured in units of 1 ∆z /L 1 2√βl √F − [3], but with a strongly FP = kBT/lP. The different slopes correspond to different P rhenoirmal≈ized−ap(cid:16)parent ”per(cid:17)sistence length” lPapp : bvaelhuaevsioorf.lbP)/SLt.reTtchheindgaoshfeadGlianlRe slhooowpscofrmeeplcehxa:iMnD(nosimlouolpa)- tion (dots) vs. theory, Eq. 13 (solid lines) for various values lapp =l 1+8lp −2 (11) of lP/L. P p(cid:18) L(cid:19) Equations 10 and 11 show that one has to be very cau- The first term in the brackets is the length-loss by ther- tious when interpreting experimental stretching data in malfluctuations. Becauseofthe smallsizeof the loopin termsofpersistencelengthandstiffness. Thepresenceof thelargeF limit(λ L)itcomesasnosurprisethatthe aloopmodifiestheelasticresponseofthechaininsucha ≪ termλ/2l coincideswiththethermalfluctuationcontri- mannerthatthepersistencelengthcanappeareffectively P butionofaloop-freechain. Ontheotherhandthesecond reducedasstatedin11. Forasingleloopthisisobviously terminthebracket4λ/Ldescribesthelossoflengthdue a finite size effect involving the scaled total length L/l . p to the (loop induced) elastic deflection. This asymptotic Buttheeffectremainssignificantoveralargerangeofpa- decompositionofthetwocontributionsin12leadstoim- rameters: forl /L=0.1onefindslapp 0.31l whereas P P ≈ P mediate generalizations. After shortinspection it is easy for l /L=0.02 there is still a remarkable effect, namely P to see that any strongly localized [18] DNA deflection lapp 0.74l . P ≈ P (like in Fig.1b and 1c) can be appropriately continued TocheckthepredictionofEqs.10and11weperformed and mapped piecewise onto fractions of the full loop so- moleculardynamics(MD)simulations[17]. Asseenfrom lution,Fig.1a. Bythisreasoningadeflectionangleofany Fig. 2a the theoretical predictions quantitatively agree size (between 0 and 2π) can be immediately related to with the simulation results. the length loss in complete analogy to the loop case. Applications. In order to generalize the asymptotic (large F) relations 10 and 11 to other interesting situa- As a first example consider the stretching of rigid tions wecanrewritethem inamoreilluminating fashion DNA-protein complexes which come as large kinks or in terms of the three relevant lengths L,l and λ fixed angle loops, cf. Fig.1b. A prominent example is P the GalR repressosorcomplex that was studied in single ∆z λ 4λ molecule experiments [11]. Following the upper reason- h i 1 + (12) L ≈ −(cid:18)2l L (cid:19) ing one obtains the same force-extension relation as in P 4 10 but with an apparent persistence length given as a effects might be related to the strong reduction of the function of the opening angle α of the complex: persistence length found in condensed DNA stretching experiments by Baumann et. al. [15]. l lapp = p (13) The authors thank Nikhil Gunari, Andreas Janshoff P 2 (cid:16)1+8lLp (cid:0)1−cos(cid:0)π−4α(cid:1)(cid:1)(cid:17) and Phil Nelson for useful discussions. FortheGalRcomplextheopeningangleisnotknownbut there are some indications for the ”anti-parallel” config- uration, i.e., α 0 [11, 19]. With 10 and 13 at hand one can predict the≈loss of length due to the presence of a ∗ Presentaddress: DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy, UniversityofPennsylvaniaPhiladelphia,PA19104,USA GalRcomplex with the conjecturedangleα=0.For the † Present address: Dept. of Chemical Engineering, Indian force F =0.88 pN applied in the experiment [11] with a InstituteofTechnology,Bombay,Mumbai,400076,India loopsize of 38 nm [11], Eqs. 10 and 13 predict a loss of ‡ Present address: Instituut-Lorentz, Universiteit Leiden, length of 56 nm (with the DNA hidden inside the loop Postbus 9506, 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands included). Remarkably, the experimental value by Lia [1] T. 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