OSDH Service Area(s) Program Name/Description LEGAL CHECK Statute Administrative Code Unfunded Mandates Details/Notes Long Term Care Adult Day Care Centers Yes 63 O.S. § 1-874 OAC 310:605 Yes Category of facility licensed by Long Term Care Center for Health Statistics Advance Directives Yes 63 O.S. § 3102.1 OAC 310:96 No Family Support and Prevention 63 O.S. § 1-740-11 et seq.; 63 Service Alternatives to Abortion Yes O.S. §1-751 et seq. OAC 310:527 TBD Medical Facilities Service Ambulatory Surgical Care Centers Yes 63 O.S. §2660 OAC 310:615 Long Term Care Assisted Living Centers Yes 63 O.S. § 1-890.4 OAC 310:663 Category of facility licensed by Long Term Care Consumer Health Service Bedding Industry Yes 63 O.S. §; 1-1001.1 et seq. OAC 310:215 Medical Facilities Service Birthing Centers Yes 63 O.S. §1-702a OAC 310:616 Consumer Health Service Body Piercing and Tattooing Yes 21 O.S. § 842.3 OAC 310:233 Consumer Health Service Bunk Beds- Whitney Starks Act Yes 63 O.S. § 1-1002.1 et. seq.; OAC 310:220 19-member body required to create a response plan for public health and preparedness. State HHS Emergency Preparedness and Catastrophic Health Emergency Task Cabinet Secretary chairs, OSDH Commissioner or Response Force Membership Yes 63 O.S. § 6101 et seq. designee serves as a member. Emergency Preparedness and National Hospital Preparedness 64 O.S. § 6900 et seq., 63 O.S. Response Program TBD § 6101 et seq. Federal funding thru Health Resources Development Service Certified Workplace Medical Plans Yes 85A O.S. § 64 OAC 310:657 Contract for additional inspections relate to Immunization Service Child Day Care Inspections Yes 10 O.S. § 406 OAC 340:110-1-3 enforcement of required Immunizations 27-member body conducting case reviews of child Injury Prevention Service; Maternal mortality, related policies. OSDH Commissioner and Child Health Child Death Review Board Yes 10 O.S. §; 10-1150.3 State Epidemiologist are named members. Family Support and Prevention 63 O.S. § 1-208.1, 63 O.S. § 1- Service Child Guidance Yes 219, OAC 310:525-3-1 Family Support and Prevention Service Children First Yes 63 O.S. § 1-110.1 OAC 310:528 Protective Health/Center for Clean Air in Restaurants Act - Rebates are no longer active, due to limitation on Advancement of Wellness Restaurant rebate program Yes 63 O.S. §1-1515 OAC 310:355-23-1 their receipt Clinical Practice Physician Approved 63 O.S. § 1-290.2; 59 O.S. § Nursing Service Protocols Yes 567.1 Mandated concussion resources website for informing school districts and sports organizations Injury Prevention Service Concussion Management Information Yes 70 O.S. § 24-155 on head injury. Dementia Care Training - Board of Long Term Care Health to Promulgate Rules Yes 63 O.S. § 1-1991 42 CFR 483.152(b)(5) Dental Health Service advises and plans for dental Community and Family Health 63 O.S § 1-114.2; 63 O.S § 1- public health programs; administers dental loan Services Dental Health Service Yes 2710 et seq. OAC 310:526-1-1 repayment program Establishes rules for repayment of loans for licensed dentists providing service to Medicaid patients and Dental Health Service Dental Loan Repayment Program Yes 63 O.S. 1-2712 HPSAs. The Center is responsible for the OSDH side of the Center for Wellness Diabetes prevention reporting Yes 63 O.S. §7301 report. Diabetes Training & Rules for Insurance 70 O.S. § 1210.196.5; 36 O.S. § The Center is responsible for defining standards and Center for Wellness Coverage Yes 6060.2 OAC 310:590 training for the prevention of diabetes. Drugs, Devices and Cosmetics and Implantation of Microchip or Consumer Health Service Permanent Marks Yes 63 O.S. § 1-1401 et. seq. OAC 310:240 Emergency Systems Emergency Medical Services Yes 63 O.S. §1-2501 et seq. OAC 310:641 Maternal and Child Health Family Planning Yes 63 O.S. § 2071 et seq. OAC 310:530 Reporting on home visiting program outcomes, in collaboration with Oklahoma Commission on Family Support and Prevention Family Support Accountability/Home Children and Youth, Oklahoma Partnership for Service Visiting Accountability Act Yes 10 O.S. §601.80 et seq. OAC 310:528 School Readiness Program for inspection of manufactured foods, such as those in vending machines. Does not include OAC 310:225, OAC 310:257, inspection of restaurant prepared food (see "Food Consumer Health Service Food Service - Manufactured Yes 63 O.S. § 1-1101 et seq.; 63 O.S.O §AC 310:260, OAC 310:390 Service Inspection and Certification") Program for inspection of prepared foods in Consumer Health Service Food Service - Retail Yes 63 O.S. §1-1118 OAC 310:257 restaurants, under Oklahoma Food Code. Collection, standardize and report hospitalization and discharge data as determined in the Oklahoma Health Care Information System Act. Also required Health Care Information - Oklahoma to report induced termination of pregnancy Center for Health Statistics Health Care Information System Act Yes 63 O.S. §1-115 et seq. Abortion: O6AC 310-9 (abortion) under state law. 63 O.S. §1-707; 63 O.S. § 1- Medical Facilities Service Health Facility Plan Reviews Yes 860.5; 63 O.S. § 1-1908 OAC 310:667 OSDH has authority related to regulations for HMO quality, submission of applications for certificates, Health Resources Development Oklahoma Insurance Department has various Service Health Maintenance Organization Yes 36 O.S. § 1-6903 OAC 310:659 authorities to supplement ours. Consumer Health Service Hearing Aid Dealers and Fitters Yes 63 O.S. §1-1750 et seq. OAC 310:265 Ryan White Part B - Provides programs and support related to: care and treatment services for people living with HIV/AIDS, several parts which also 42 USC 300ff; 63 O.S. § 1- OAC 310:515-1-2; OAC include conditions such as viral hepatitis and HIV/STD Service HIV/STD Care Delivery Yes 534.1 310:521-5-1 perinatal conditions Surveillance, prevention and intervention for HIV, 63 O.S. §1-517; 63 O.S. § 1- STDs and hepatitis B&C; contracts with community- 534.1 et seq; 63 O.S. 1-503 et. OAC 310:515-1-2; OAC based organizations and OU/OSU; STD evaluation, HIV/STD Service HIV/STD Prevention and Intervention Yes seq; 310:521-5-1 testing & treatment at CHDs Medical Facilities Service Home Care Agencies Yes 63 O.S. § 1-1960 et seq. OAC 310:662 Health Resources Development Home Care Administrator Registry TBD 64 O.S. § 1-1702 et seq. OAC 310:664 Registry and certification of Home Care Medical Facilities Service Hospice Yes 64 O.S. § 1-860.1 et seq. OAC 310:661 63 O.S. § 1-701 et seq.; 63 O.S. Medical Facilities Service Hospital Licensure Yes § 1-711 OAC 310:667 Administration of state's Vaccine for Children (VFC) program which includes ~ 840 private medical 70 O.S. § 1210.191 et seq; 36 OAC 310:535; 42 CFR 51b.201 providers and CHDs; also supports state's Immunization Service Immunization Yes O.S. § 6060.4; 42 USC § 1396s et seq. immunization registry Information and Assistance from State Maternal and Child Health / Center Department of Health for Healthy and for Wellness Fit School Advisory Committees Yes 70 O.S. §24-100b Investigations and other actions - Cancer is included. There is an annual legislative Center for Wellness/Center for Compilation and evaluation of report listed, but CAW is unaware if the mandate is Health Statistics information. Yes 63 O.S. §1-552 currently being or has been previously fulfilled. Health Resources Development Service Jail Inspections Yes 74 O.S. § 192 OAC 310:670 X Consumer Health Service Licensed Genetic Counselors Yes 63 O.S. § 1-561 et seq. OAC 310:406 Consumer Health Service Lodging - Hotels and Motel Inspections Yes 63 O.S. § 1-1201 OAC 310:285 63 O.S. §1-1900.1 et seq. 42 Various facilities and certificates of need for various Long Term Care Long Term Care Yes USC § 1395i-3a OAC 310:680; OAC 310:2-29 long term care facilities including nursing homes, Maternal and Child Health - Promotion Maternal and Child Health of Prenatal and Postnatal Care Yes 63 O.S. § 1-231 et seq. Establishment of postponing sexual involvement for Maternal and Child Health/Family teens and coordination of pregnancy and STD Support and Prevention Service Abstinence Promotion TBD 63 O.S. § 1-235 et seq. prevention programs. Medical Micropigmentation 63 O.S. § 1-1450 et seq. OAC 310:234 Consumer Health Service Certification Yes Emergency Preparedness and Medical Reserve Corps TBD 42 USC §300hh-15 OSDH develops with Dept. of Education information to distribute to middle school students, consults 70 O.S. § 1210.195; 70 O.S. § with OSRHE regarding vaccination in postsecondary Acute Disease Meningococcal Meningitis Yes 3242 institutions. Translation/interpretation services implemented under EO 13166, which directs recipients of federal Minority Health - Language 42 USC 2000d; Federal funding to ensure accessible services for limited Minority Health Interpretation/Translation Services Yes Executive Order 13160, 13166; X English pop. OSDH is required to report sanction of licensed Quality Improvement and National Practitioner Data Bank health care entities and providers to federal Evaluation Service Reporting (Federal) Yes 42 USC 11131 45 CFR 60 et seq. database Screening and Special Services Newborn Hearing Screening Program Yes 63 O.S. § 1-543 OAC 310:540; OAC 310:616-3-3 Screening works with the Public Health Laboratory to receive hospital surveillance data and implement Screening and Special Services Newborn Screening Program Yes 63 O.S. § 1-533 OAC 310:550; OAC 310:616-3-3 testing at hospitals. Registry and background checks of nurse aides, Health Resources Development ServicNeurse Aide Registry Yes 63 O.S. § 1-1950.3 OAC 310:677; OAC 310:2-15-3 primarily employed in long-term care facilities 63 O.S. §1-1901 et seq; 42 USC Long Term Care Nursing and Specialized Facilities Yes § 1395i-3 OAC 310:675 Category of facility licensed by Long Term Care Family Support and Prevention 63 O.S. § Service Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) Yes 1-227.1 et seq. OAC 310:529-3 X Office of Scientific and Research OAC 310:10-7; 42 CFR § 93 et The IRB Administrator and Research Integrity Officer Center for Health Statistics Integrity Yes seq; 45 CFR § 46 et seq. are assigned to Derek Pate. OAC 310:550-19-1; OAC Screening and Special Services Oklahoma Birth Defects Registry Yes 63 O.S. § 1-550.1 et. seq. 310:616-3-3 Oklahoma Breast and Cervical Cancer Center for Wellness Act Yes 63 O.S. §1-554 et seq. OAC 310:566-567 Take Charge! program & annual legislative report OCCR operations were moved to CHS in May 2017 while the funding, PI and admin support remain in CAW. The move allows for OCCR staff to have more analytics support, but the program cannot be 63 O.S. §1-551.1 et seq.; 63 separated from the Cancer Prevention & Control Center for Wellness/Center for O.S. §1-556., 42 USC 280e et Program, which is within the chronic disease unit of Health Statistics Oklahoma Central Cancer Registry Yes seq.; OAC 310:567 CAW. Oklahoma Certified Healthy Center for Wellness Communities Act Yes 63 O.S. §2060 Recognition program only Recognition program but also includes the Incentive Center for Wellness Oklahoma Certified Healthy Schools Act Yes 63 O.S. §2061 Grant program subject to the availabilty of funds Screening and Special Services Oklahoma Childhood Lead Poisoning PrevYees 63 O.S. § 1-114.1 OAC 310:512 Oklahoma Leukemia and Lymphoma The Center works with the identified voluntary Center for Wellness Revolving Fund Yes 68 O.S. §2368.15 organization and monitors the contract. The Center is responsible for contracting with Life Share each year (§63-2200.20A) on the public Oklahoma Organ Donor Education and education campaign. Linked to Advancement of Center for Wellness Awareness Program Revolving Fund Yes 63 O.S. §2220.3 OAC 210:15-18-1 Wellness Advisory Council Oklahoma Plan for Comprehensive Treatment of Chronic Obstructive Currently no work is being done beyond tobacco Center for Wellness Pulmonary Disease Act. Yes 63 O.S. §1-450 prevention/cessation efforts. No funding. Oklahoma Tobacco Use Prevention and Tobacco Prevention programs & annual state plan Center for Wellness Cessation Act Yes 63 O.S. §1-229.1 et seq. OAC 210:15-26 submission Program offers state tort immunity from liability to health care providers who provide free clinic services, and who are working within the scope of employment of a charitable health care provider. The OVCHPP also offers healthcare providers state tort immunity from liability in instances where a Center for Health Innovation and Oklahoma Volunteer Charitable 51 O.S. § 152 et seq., 76 O.S. § patient is referred from a free clinic to another Effectiveness Healthcare Provider Program Yes 31 OAC 210:15-26 X charitable healthcare provider for medical services. FitnessGram software developed by the Cooper Physical Fitness Assessment Software Institute available for students in participating Center for Wellness (FitnessGRAM) Yes 70 O.S. §24-100c et. seq schools. Center for Health Innovation and Preventive Health and Health Services PHHSBG authorized by the CDC, requires convening Effectiveness Block Grant TBD 42 USC 300w et seq. of a grant advisory committee Consumer Health Service Public Bathing Places Yes 63 O.S. § 1-1013 et seq. OAC 310:315 PHIDDO as the system for electronic disease Public Health Investigation and Disease reporting and documentation of case investigations. Acute Disease Detection of Oklahoma Yes 63 O.S. § 1-503 OAC 310:515-1 OSDH needs to ensure state funds are available to Public Health Laboratory Public Health Laboratory Yes 42 USC 6A 263a; OAC 310:546 Quality Afterschool Opportunities Act to Reduce Childhood Obesity and Center for Wellness Improve Academic Performance Yes 63 O.S. §1-559.2a et. seq Long Term Care Residential Care Homes Yes 63 O.S. § 1-819 et seq. OAC 310:680 Category of facility licensed by Long Term Care Sanitarians and Environmental Consumer Health Service Specialists Yes 59 O.S. § 1150.1 et seq. OAC 310:345 School Health - Chase Morris Sudden Provides website used to inform and educate Maternal and Child Health Cardiac Arrest Prevention Act Yes 70 O.S. § 24-156 students participating in athletic activity on the School Health - Vision Screening, Maternal and Child Health Training and Rules Yes 70 O.S. §1210.284 OAC 310:531 Protective Health/Center for Smoking in Public Places and Indoor 63 O.S. § 1-1521 Wellness Workplaces Act Yes et seq., 21 OS § 1247 OAC 310:355 70 O.S. §13-121 et seq.; 20 Sooner Start Sooner Start Yes USC 1400 et seq. Mandated reporting for institutions engaging in stem cell research, annual report to Governor and Screening and Special Services Stem Cell Cures and Therapy Reporting Yes 63 O.S. § 270.1 et seq. OAC 310:551-1-1; Legislature Emergency Preparedness and Funded via the CDC Public Health Emergency Response Strategic National Stockpile TBD 63 O.S. § 682.1 Preparedness to all 50 States; EPRS maintains ability Collects data using the PHIDDO and other systems, OAC 310:515-1-2; OAC Acute Disease Surveillance and Analysis Yes 63 O.S. § 1-503 for surveillance and analysis of reportable diseases 310:521-5-1; as specified by 63 O.S. § 1-503 Specifies syphilis testing of pregnant women must HIV/STD Service Syphilis Testing Yes 63 O.S. § 1-515 OAC 310:545 be conducted by an OSDH approved lab Consumer Health Service/Center for CAW has drafted the proposed rules and is handling Wellness Tanning Facilities Yes 63 O.S. § 7302 et seq. Future regulations all public inquiries. Center for Health Innovation and OSDH listed as agency assessing and assisting Effectiveness Telehealth TBD 63 O.S. § 1-2702 et seq. X coordination in telehealth, currently "Director" is OSDH provides educational materials online and Injury Prevention Service Traumatic Brain Injury Yes 63 O.S. §1-291.1 et seq. OAC 310:515-1-4 X requires physicians to report TBIs via PHIDDO Some federal TB grant funds also partially support Acute Disease Tuberculosis Program Yes 63 O.S. § 1-401 et seq. OAC 310:521-3-1 TB laboratory diagnostics in the PHL. Center for Health Innovation and 63 O.S., §§ 1-104 et seq. and 1- Effectiveness Uncompensated Care Fund TBD 702e and 1-702b OAC 310:668 Collection of data related to birth and death 63 O.S. §1-301 et seq.; 63 O.S. OAC 310:105; OAC 310:616-3- certificates, regulations for submissions of vital Center for Health Statistics Vital Statistics Yes § 1-738i et seq. 3 events from healthcare providers, reporting by Health Care Information for birth/death rates 42 USC 1786 (Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children), as amended by P.L. 111-296, specifying wholesome foods education, breastfeeding education and WIC WIC: Nutrition and Breastfeeding Yes 42 USC § 1786 OAC 310:410 breastfeeding peer counseling. Requires state agencies offering federal public assistance to assist w/ voter registration; WIC is OAC 310:410; 7 CFR 246.1 et federally funded through USDA, but voter reg. WIC WIC: Voter Registration Yes 52 USC § 20506 seq.; X component is unfunded. Medical Facilities Service Workplace Drug and Alcohol Testing Yes 40 O.S. § 551 et seq. OAC 310:638 Consumer Health Service X-Ray diagnostic testing and permits Yes 63 O.S. § 1-291.1 et seq. OAC 310:281 Public Health Advisory Councils 7-member body advising OSDH, Board of Health Consumer Protection Licensing appoints 1 member. OSDH must consider input on Consumer Health Service Advisory Council Yes 63 O.S. §1-103a.1 rulemaking 7-member body advising OSDH, Board of Health Trauma and Emergency Response appoints 1 member. OSDH must consider input on Emergency Systems Advisory Council Yes 63 O.S. §1-103a.1 rulemaking Board representing individuals, hospitals in geographic areas in statewide trauma systems Emergency Systems Regional Trauma Advisory Boards Yes 63 O.S. §1-2530.5 planning. 7-member body advising OSDH, Board of Health Community and Family Health Infant and Children's Health Advisory appoints 1 member. OSDH must consider input on Services Council Yes 63 O.S. §1-103a.1 rulemaking. Advancement of Wellness Advisory 7-member body advising OSDH, Center supports the Center for Wellness Council Yes 63 O.S. §1-103a.1 Advancement of Wellness Advisory Council. Center for Wellness Osteoporosis prevention and awareness Yes 63 O.S. §1-260.4 Linked to Advancement of Wellness Council 9-member body advising OSDH, Board of Health Home Care, Hospice and Palliative appoints 1 member. OSDH must consider input on Medical Facilities Service Care Advisory Council Yes 63 O.S. §1-103a.1 rulemaking OPSR guides Head Start/Early Childhood programs, under 42 USC 9837b and 10 O.S. §601.80. State Family Support and Prevention Oklahoma Partnership for School Commissioner is named as a member, OSDH assists Service Readiness Yes 10 O.S. §640 et seq. with annual reporting. Linked to OSPR, guides coordination and funding for Home Visitation Programs. Law does not mandate Family Support and Prevention Home Visitation Leadership council but describes the activities home-visiting Service Advisory Council Yes 10 O.S. §601.80 Optional? programs must coordinate and provide measures 14-member body advising OSDH/Board of Health, 9 Consumer Health Service Food Service Advisory Council Yes 63 O.S. §1-106.3 OAC 310:257 members appointed by Commissioner of Health 9-member body advising OSDH/Board of Health, Medical Facilities Service Hospital Advisory Council Yes 63 O.S. §1-707 OAC 310:667 appointed by Commissioner of Health Long-Term Care Facility Advisory 27-member body advising OSDH, OSDH must Long Term Care Board Yes 63 O.S. § 1-1923 provide clerical staff. OAC 340:105-10 30-member body advising DHS, OSDH Long Term Care State Council on Aging Yes 63 O.S. § 1-2216 -12 Commissioner or designee named as a member. 35-member committee providing input to OSDH for Health Care Information Advisory data collection under the act, 17 members Center for Health Statistics Committee Yes 63 O.S. §1-122 OAC 310:9-7-1 appointed by OSDH Commissioner Sanitarian and Environmental 9-member body advising OSDH/Board of Health, Specialist Registration Advisory OSDH Commissioner or designee named as a Consumer Health Service Council Yes 59 O.S. § 1150.5 et seq. OAC 310:345-1-2 member, appoints 2 state-employee members Oklahoma State Board of Examiners 15-member body, separate state agency. OSDH Long Term Care for Long-Term Care Administrators Yes 63 O.S. § 330.52 OAC 490:1-3-1 Commissioner or designee has one membership. 12-member body, advising on transportation Governor's Oklahoma United We Ride services. OSDH Commissioner or designee has one Partnerships Council Yes E.O. 2015-11 membership representative. 27-member body, advising on statewide suicide prevention program recommendations. OSDH Injury Prevention Service Suicide Prevention Council Membership Yes 43A O.S. § 12-104 Commissioner appoints 2 members. 18-member body, compiles/coordinates domestic Domestic Violence Fatality Review violence fatality data and review. OSDH Injury Prevention Service Board Yes 22 O.S. § 1602 Commissioner or designee named as a member. Advises OSDE and OSDH for implementation of statewide early intervention, interagency collab. Interagency Coordinating Council for 20 USC 1431 et seq.; E.O. 2015- OSDH Commissioner or designee has one SoonerStart Early Intervention TBD 05; 70 O.S. § 13-121 et seq.; membership representative. Program Name/Description Statute Administrative Code Advisory Committee on Services to Persons with Developmental Disabilities 10 O.S. § 1412 OAC 340:100-3-25 Health Care Workforce Resources Board 74 O.S. § 3202.2 Child Abuse Training and Coordination Council 63 O.S. § 1-227.9 Vulnerable Adult Intervention Task Force 43A O.S. § 10-112 63 O.S. § 1-1602; 63 O.S. Hazardous Substances § 1-1608 Childrens Shelter Annual Inspection 10A O.S. §; 1-9-111 (D) OAC 340:110-3-167 Abatement and Control of Noise 63 O.S. § 1-1512 Okahoma Sleep Diagnostic Testing Regulation Act 63 O.S. § 1-7200.5 Community Paramedic 63 OS § 1-2503-2505 OAC 310:641-5 Residents and Family State Council 63 O.S. § 1-1923.1 Needlestick Injury Prevention Committee 64 O.S. § 1-539.2 Chief Governmental and Regulatory Affairs Center for Health Officer Innovation and Telehealth